Tuesday, May 19, 2009



Nature shows us that life - it changes, that nothing remains the same. Change - is the essence of life, but it is often a source of stress. Since birth, we need food, care, attention and love. If, for any reason, we get the necessary components in an insufficient number, we understand the fear. Thus, fear helps us to achieve what we need to survive. But the survival function is performed by fear, will soon begin to dominate all aspects of life, as we are beginning to realize that, obviously, there are endless sources of anything.

SUCH attracts SUCH

Um significantly affect the aura. As such attracts like, the state of your energy field will attract people and events of a similar nature. So, if you want "to have a good day", you should be pleasantly tuned mind, which thinks of pleasant thoughts. The choice is yours.

Energy levels accumulate in the thin "thought forms". There are entire totality of thoughts on all kinds of fears, anxiety about something missing, or deteriorating, samootritsanii, hatred, jealousy, anger, etc. There are also "thought blocks" of joy, love, compassion, friendship, respect and admiration. Mental unit, once established in your mind, begin to attract such a thought form. How many times do you feel bad, when once again committed the error because of the availability of your weaknesses? Long before this, negative thought form was close drag. You began to feel the deterioration. Once the mind picked up the idea a form, fit of depression you have tightened further. What may begin as a simple evaluation of any of your actions could end up feeling that, for all your actions, you do not deserve to walk on this earth. This insidious result of negative thinking.

You have the whole chain of events that are not aware of destructive thought form of your participation in this experiment. Remember when this happened to you last time, and decide from that point and continue to be attentive to the process of thinking. If the track, you can stop the motion and revoke the negative thought form. Otherwise they will continue to occur in the atmosphere until it otsepeneet their pressure.

But exactly the same way, this mechanism can be made to work in the opposite direction - positive. Positive thoughts attract more positive thought forms. Only a small force is required to see himself or the situation and a positive light, but this will lead to obtaining an infinite stream of profits. The more we exercise our ability to make choices, the faster the process. So, in order to turn over the negative thinking, life-flight in one direction, the other way will take some effort and practice, but it is worth it.

You must realize that through the web of consciousness, each cell of our body in the course of our thinking and gives them the energy to a reaction. All the negative thoughts have a negative effect on the body at a deeper, cellular level. Our negative emotions operate in the same way. This energy, backed by their effects on body systems, sooner or later will manifest itself in the form of disease, because they are manifestations of energy imbalances.
But all the positive energy have a harmonizing effect on all levels of the essence, and are manifested in the form of good health.

Exercise: Determination of thinking plant.

Provide a necessary amount of time and place to remember four different perceptions of the issues that cause your anger. Describe these questions as accurately as possible.

Consider each of them separately. What do you think about them? Write down all your thoughts, do not analyze them. You should get a list of four ideas.

Look at these lists. Were you honest with them? If not, repeat the exercise. Then add up all the lists. Not seen whether a certain scheme of thought? If so what was it you said? How can your thoughts affect your behavior and your health?

When you feel that the answers to these questions so far have been able to decide for themselves whether you are satisfied with your discoveries. If not, determine a course of positive action.