Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My own business

My own business - it is socially important activities carried out by a man independently on their own initiative, the income from which is directly dependent on the quality of this work.

Let us explain this definition more!

First, a strong personality - a person who carries out activities. And the activities of "socially meaningful"! That is, this man does not wear a sewing or grandchildren of boredom, and make something useful for society, society.

Human activities, which sews for himself to wear (or bring up their child, or pashet at its ogorodike, etc.) IS NOT socially significant, and the person performing it is not a strong personality!

I hope this is clear?

Here is where the most people will decide and make a lot of socks to sell (or raise the whole group of children, or to create a farm instead of his ogorodika), then his work will begin to take socially valued.

In my opinion, nothing is difficult, is not it?

Secondly, the strong man must realize, on his own initiative! This means that if people come to work, but there he was told what he should do, and he does so, then such a person of strong personality is not. This employee.

You can call it whatever you like - a weak personality, normal personality, a typical person, ordinary person, etc. I call such a person "employee".

But if this man comes to someone in a company or organization, and he suggests that to do, and others, and myself, and agree with him, his audience, then that person is a strong personality.

It is because over there nichego policy management. He knows his business!

And third, the income from those activities which a person is, should directly depend on the quality of work. Only in this case, you can assume that this person will develop their activities (quantitatively and qualitatively), and in doing so will develop yourself!

In fact, interesting to deal with new challenges all the time and get a more and more money, the truth, dear readers? :)

So, pay attention, never any QUALITY "free" education, health, law and order etc. things WILL NOT until the people working in these areas will not receive an income directly related to the results of their labor.

Well, clearly I do not say, right? :)

Free, by the way, nothing happens, and should not be.

So, if someone somewhere serves valiantly works to the benefit of the State or any owner of a salary while performing the same tasks, then, of course, honor him, praise and all that (medal for long service)!

But this does not mean that he is a strong personality. Not at all!

I believe that some irresponsible and short-sighted readers mailing precipitance underestimate the power and the power of Private initiatives of citizens, the private sector.

"Private benches!" - Derisively ironiziruyut they are not even aware that if it were not for the private business initiative of citizens, the state itself, and there would be at all.

Only through the contributions that have hundreds of thousands of "private shops" the country, living and evolving state, its institutions, its infrastructure. And by the way, feeding thousands of civil servants ... Remember this!

And at the core of this state is the strong personality, a man with his own initiative. His idea is creating new projects, products, goods and services! :)

Wise the ruler, which encourages and promotes the business initiative of its citizens! Wise the ruler, which promotes entrepreneurship, economic self-sufficiency! Praise be to the governor, because its people will prosper!

Think about yourself, you shout: "Hurray, hurray, who will save their homeland, not employees - firefighters, rescue workers and military?!"

I will answer you, who will save the Motherland. No, not the military, firefighters and police officers. They are just ordinary actors, technical staff, and no more! Are they vershat progress and development? No, they do not prevent us from fires, natural disasters and wars.

Motherland will save others. Motherland will save those who invent and implement ideas! For example, those who invent and produce a tool to combat the fire, fire equipment, automatic control systems, new equipment, new technologies, etc.

Do you think that America is such a strong and glorious, because there are many rescuers, firefighters and military? Lol! Funny, is not it? America strong, because there are many private initiative of citizens. Private initiatives VERY MUCH! :)

Several years ago I met with the lead engineer of a local business. Conversation. He showed me a picture ATVs very original design. It turned out that he is completely designed by cross-country vehicle.

I asked what he gets paid at the factory. He answered: "78 $". I do not believe at first. It seemed to me that he jokes. But this was no joke, it was the truth. His salary was $ 78!

Of course, I then told him that I think of him as a person ...:)

Just recently met his son. Ask what a father. Learning that his father, free-for a variety of work, began to organize its own production. :)

Such cases now! Apparently, I realized at last that in this life all depends on your own ... and no more from anyone else. Not from anyone.