Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Main issues for the entrepreneur!

Main issues for the entrepreneur!

Entrepreneurship, which is the creation and development of their own affairs, is of the special, very specific, fundamentally different from the work of the hired man.

Specificity of entrepreneurial activity is the result of specific goals and objectives, which carries out business. To solve business problems requires a particular way of thinking (thinking of the enterprise).

I repeatedly wrote that the entrepreneurial way of thinking is qualitatively different from the attitudes of employees. Why? Because the tasks an employee and the tasks to be an entrepreneur, it is different!

Let's look at what matters is looking for the answer entrepreneur and employee those issues never asks! After considering this, we can identify the specific characteristics of entrepreneurial thinking!

Classical economic theory states that before any society faces three main economic issues: "What make? How to produce? For whom to produce?" In fact, the economic issues does not solve all of society and its individuals - entrepreneurs.

Naive to assume that the employee ever been puzzled by these questions. Let us consider them in order!

The first question that arises in the mind of man, reshivshegosya to become an entrepreneur is the question: "What make?"

Will this product is real or it will be some kind of service? Can the product of intellectual labor? What it will be the quality? What are the technical specifications will have? What will it differ from competitors' products? Why your product or service, not the other? What would be its strengths?

Try for a moment, dear readers, I feel like a businessman. Ask this question: "What can I create? What make? What product or service?" The entrepreneur is always thinking on this issue! As a result of such thinking mind and his ability to assess the prospects of different ideas is significantly higher than that of any employee!

The point is that an entrepreneur sees the world as a result of the creative work of people. Look carefully at the objects around you. What do you see? Computer, home appliances, clothes, cars, houses, furniture, telephone and so on and so forth!

And it is only material products! And how many goodwill? Nice haircut, interesting books, movies, music, design translation, medical services, transportation, entertainment, travel ... The list is endless!

All of these goods and services - the result at first thought, then economic activity of entrepreneurs. All large and small objects that surround us, a trifle - all thought of different people, as embodied by the work and business!

And we enjoy the fruits of entrepreneurial labor, purchasing these goods and services in your city and consume them, getting pleasure from it. All of these benefits greatly facilitate our lives, making it more comfortable, pleasant, beautiful and comfortable.

Every entrepreneur is aware that all goods and services never are in frozen state. They live their lives, constantly improving, improving, changing its quality, change their appearance and shape, and sometimes die.

Products are becoming more comfortable and beautiful. Thus, the entrepreneur perceives the world not as static and stable phenomenon, but as a phenomenon is constantly changing and dynamic.

Man, stability-oriented, an entrepreneur can not be. He sees the world as a static phenomenon, frozen. The dynamic and fickle world of frightening! It resists change. Trying to freeze everything as it is now frozen forever. He is more comfortable to present it in such a world. I am talking about employees. Since virtually all employees to seek stability in the soul are the conservatives, the business is alien to them.

Entrepreneur - a person who always sought to change the world for the better, thanks to its entrepreneurial economy. He has more broad-minded, he perceives the world is not stagnant and volatile. He constantly focuses on the search for new ideas and evaluating them. Thus, we note that a very important mental ability of an entrepreneur - this is the search and evaluation of new ideas, as well as the ability to make responsible decisions!

The second question, which asks a businessman: "How to?" Which method of production of goods? How to provide the service? What resources? As these resources are available? There are specialists to attract? What are the raw materials used? What technology to use? What are the financial resources to attract and where? How to organize all the resources in a profitable business? What product or service you need to make? And so on!

These issues also require the entrepreneur to find new ideas and skills to evaluate these ideas, a creative approach to their projects. It is obvious that here was a businessman and as a researcher. His attention is directed at finding better ways to manufacture the goods, their delivery systems, improving its quality, appearance and so on!

The entrepreneur should continuously monitor the market for new technologies, develop new programs, innovative products. At this stage the important role played by other mental ability of an entrepreneur - economy, efficiency, planning.

You must provide all the mentally organizing the project, able to find the resources (and at the lowest cost), plan the end result. Plan the project needs so that it makes a profit.

As you know, employees do not engage in any technology assessment or planning, or looking for resources, nor the organization of these resources within a project. Employee way of thinking focuses on the implementation of standard, routine and monotonous, repetitive tasks or permanent roles.

That is, workers repeat the same steps as many times, while the entrepreneur is hardly unique and never repeated!

The third question, which asks a businessman: "For whom to produce and at what price?" Let's start with price. The entrepreneur must organize a variety of resources in such a way that the resulting product can be sold on the market at a profit! This reflects the prudence entrepreneur.

Any entrepreneur raschetliv always focused on profits. From the perspective of society and the market, it would mean that the entrepreneur was able to organize resources so effectively, that the resulting product he can sell at a profit!

It reflects the quality of the entrepreneur, such as rationality, frugality, economy. Getting an entrepreneur profit signals to him that he had organized the resources and that its product is the market demand!

And finally, talk about the latest thinking of the property entrepreneur - is his focus on the consumer. It is obvious that you can not make a profit by producing and selling something that you do not need us, consumers! It is we, ultimately, and form what is called "market" is not it? :)

That is, on the one hand, entrepreneurs need to organize production so that its costs were minimal (this is the rationality and thrift entrepreneur). On the other hand, the resulting product must be demanded by the market society. Only in this case, you can count on the profits!

It turns out that only the entrepreneur determines the real needs of society, responding to them, finding the appropriate resources and to organize them! And nobody else can do it as effectively as an entrepreneur. None! Neither officials nor employees, nor politics, nor any other categories of citizens. :)

Only the entrepreneur DETERMINED real needs of society and responding to them, finding the appropriate resources and to organize them!

Employee never thought about the needs of society. He thinks very simple: "Give me work, I will work if you do I'll pay!" A need for the results of this work, market and society? Demanded by society, whether this work? Can the result of this work to sell and get this revenue? These issues do not relate to the employee! This is yet another principal difference in the ways of thinking, an entrepreneur and employee.

Thus, the pursuit of their personal, selfish interests, is to generate high profits, the entrepreneur thus unwittingly promotes the interests of the market and society as a whole. Because it is impossible to make profits, not satisfying any requirement of consumers, that is, us with you!

"A bee collects nectar is not in order to pollinate the flowers. She wants to get the honey. Yet, ultimately, it serves the interests of colors. The same thing happens with the entrepreneur, who, seeking to profit in the interest of society as a whole . It seems that this is Adam Smith. Words are not a major theorist of capitalism and old today.

Based on the above three basic questions that any entrepreneur decides, we can now provide the most inherent properties of the entrepreneurial mindset:

1) The autonomy of thinking. Means freedom of choice of tasks and their solutions! Thinking entrepreneur must possess this property. But the employee is not free either in the setting of targets, either in the way of solutions. In fact, he and the employee to do what he would say, rather than to invent a problem! :)

2) Flexibility and criticality of thinking. Refers to the ability to quickly abandon its earlier decisions, if they no longer correspond to the new conditions! It is an important entrepreneurial thinking! Thinking of employees are generally rigid. And noticed that the more paid work experience, the less flexible is thinking employee.

Criticality of thinking - this property is thought to reflect the ability to impartially evaluate the results of their own thinking and work! Criticality of thinking is related to flexibility of thinking, and these properties are complementary to each other.

3) The breadth and depth of thinking. Latitude thinking implies the existence of a large range, the ability to see a lot of factors that influence the final result of the activities! How else? As without this feature, find new ideas, find and organize resources for the implementation of the new project? The depth of thinking - the ability to penetrate deeply into the essence of phenomena, to understand their cause, to evaluate!

4) Focus thinking. Means the ability for a long time to bend your mind a particular problem! There is an urgent need as an entrepreneur! Many employees have a broad outlook, but, alas, they are unable to set priorities for themselves and to show perseverance, moving in a given direction. They can not concentrate on one task and bring the matter to a successful outcome.

5) Cost of thinking. Means the ability to think, how to get the greatest results at the lowest cost and effort! First, this is reflected in the thinking businessman, and later in his business work. We need to get the result by the least!

Employees, as a rule, this property of thinking did not have, because in their daily work, they enjoy the resources of the entrepreneur, not their own. In the economy of these resources are not interested. It is not your same! You can not take care!

These are they - especially the entrepreneurial mindset, as well as major issues that face any entrepreneur, and that any employee carefully avoided throughout his life paid.