Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Franz Bardon
10 stages of initiation
(Excerpt from the Gate of Initiation)

Education magic spirit (IV)

Sitting in your usual position, fix a short time one of the good things and remember its shape, color and size. Now imagine that you have become the subject. You must, so to speak, to feel like the subject, to perceive and take over all its properties. You should feel that you are bound by the place on which you rely, and that you can only leave it with someone else's intervention. You should also being made into the subject, to think of the purpose that it serves.

With intense concentration you need to learn, even from neighborhood to inspect the position of the subject, and to comprehend the relation of the subject to other things. If the subject is on the table, then you feel like this attitude, and all other objects lying on the table, including the room in which they are located. If you find this exercise with one subject, gradually move on to the next one.

Exercise is met if you have managed to link each of the selected items with your mind so that you pereymete their shape, size and property, and for at least five minutes without a break, can they be. It should be completely neglected his own body and completely forget about it. After that elect as a subject in which you are transported to their consciousness, large objects, such as flowers, plants, shrubs, trees, and so on.

Like the principle of akasa, consciousness does not know the time or space. We should not be afraid of an unusual type exercises as well as the possibility of failure at first - patience and persistence will lead to the desired success.