Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Joe Vitale
Spiritual Marketing

Want an example from the world of business?

Dan Poynter - this is my dear friend and world-renowned expert in the field of book publishing at his own expense. He wrote several books, including the famous "Textbook on self publishing books." Dan also conducts seminars at his home the day off on a self-publish and sell your book. He conducted the workshops for more than ten years, has helped hundreds of people, but it is always hard to find to visit his workshop. One day he called me and asked for help.

- Joe, I want you to write to me a booklet for people to willingly recorded in my workshop, and I did not have to strive for it.

Note what John did. He realized that he did not want (incredible efforts to attract people to his seminar), and I wanted (to people called and recorded easily and effortlessly). It is these two steps have forced him to call me. When I agreed to write a new brochure for Dan that he was supposed to do?


Yes, he had to let go. He had to believe that hired the right guy, and that all will be well. And although he had not heard the term "release" is the key to the process of manifestation, he intuitively follow it.

I developed a flyer design for Dan, he liked it and printed it. A few weeks later, I called Dan and he told me:

- My workshop is almost sold out.

- Really? - I cried with joy. But Dan stopped me.

- But not because of your flyers, - he said.

- Is not it?

- The seminar was sold out two weeks ago, and I just last week sent out this flyer. The newsletter was delayed.

- And then what happened? - I asked.

Why seminar was sold out. Dan did not know. But here's my guess: as you know, the energy radiated by you, brings the results you get. When Dan started his new intention and allowed me to create for him a new flyer, he changed his internal signal. Once you change the inside, your outer world is also changing. It turns out that Dan did not even need to send your flyer. People caught his signals in the atmosphere and responded to them.

It looks like crap? Possible. But, as I have repeatedly said in this book, the energy produced by you in

(To be continued)