Thursday, October 11, 2012

Franz Bardon
10 stages of initiation
(Excerpt from the Gate of Initiation)

Education magic soul (V)

In this exercise, it will learn to produce accumulation in the room is not only a solarium-plexus, but also through the pores of the body and thus cause congestion element in the room. This should be done with all four elements. Dissolved elements at infinity, in the universe, is the same as given in the previous exercise.

If the student and mastered this exercise is great, he can move on, this exercise is not all over, and the individual parts. In magic, most enjoyed the hands and fingers, the student must therefore give them the highest priority. Thanks breathing pores must accumulate the appropriate item in one hand or two, so that he was able to single motion lightning to send the item out of the hand to the desired room and immediately soak it in this element. Repeat this exercise, master and data reception. The student must perform this exercise with all the elements and master them in this way.

Once he succeeded, to move on. Sit down, as usual, in your usual posture. Breathe in through the lungs and pores of the element of fire and earn it all over, until it again to feel the heat. Imagine now that the accumulated fire element in the cardiac fossa, a solarium-plexus forms pressed fiery ball with a diameter of about 10-20 cm This compressed ball should be as fiery and bright, so it was like a blazing sun.

After this, imagine that the ball comes out of your free solar frame and floating in the air. You must present this brilliant ball floating in the room and radiant heat. Hold this ball as long as possible by your imagination. When you hold her arms to him, you have to feel it radiating heat. Finish the exercise by slowly dissolving the ball in the universe, or let it explode and turn into nothing. You have to master two capabilities complete the exercise.

Just do the exercise with the air and water, and finally to the ground. You are better able to imagine the ball out of the air element, the compressible element allot ball blue color. Water you can imagine better. If not it will be quite easy to imagine, imagine initially spherical ice block. Represent the element earth as a round lump of clay is easy.

Once you have completed the exercise with all four elements and captured them in the above direction to go, to form other forms of these elements. To get started, choose a simple shape such as a cube, a size, a pyramid and so on. Exercise is met if you have any item that you accumulate in your body, sealed in a specified form and project it outward.

Only when the previous activity performed in full, you can start the next one, which describes the projection of elements directly from the universe.

(To be continued)