Thursday, October 11, 2012

Louise Hay


  Healing Light of the heart

     Have a look deep into your heart and try to make out there is tiny, pinhead sized, colored light. The color of the lights is amazing beautiful. It is the source of your love and healing energy. Observe how the light begins to pulse, gradually increasing in size and filling up your heart. See how this beautiful light permeates your entire body - from tops to the tips of fingers and toes. From you comes striking in its beauty and richness of colors glow. It - your love and healing energy. Allow your body to vibrate in time to the fluctuations of this radiation. Tell yourself: "With every breath of air, I got closer and closer to a complete healing."

     Feel the light cleanses your body from disease and returns you to perfect health. Allow the light to touch the people around you. Let your healing power to touch everyone who needs it. First of all, share the light and healing energy to those who are most in need of healing. Let your light to penetrate into the hospitals and nursing homes, in orphanages and prisons, asylums for the mentally ill, etc, etc.

     Let him carry to the world the hope, peace and purification.

     Let him get to every house in your city, where they found shelter pain and suffering. Let your love, light and healing energy to grant comfort to those who need it. Allow them to get into the church and soften the hearts of the people, to teach them unconditional love. Allow the light to reach the government buildings, bringing them to the knowledge of eternal truth. Do not walk around with their attention any city or government. Select a place on the planet that you would like to heal. Send your light there. No matter how far away it is. And then watch as in this place, everything comes to a state of balance and harmony. We - the people. We - the children. We - the whole world.

     In us - the future. What we give is what you get back, but at a higher level.

So be it!


(To be continued)