Thursday, October 11, 2012

Louise Hay


     As they say, we only use 10% of his brain. What can the other 90%? I think that it is natural for a person to possess what we call "psychic" abilities, that is - the ability to read minds, to anticipate events, etc, etc. I think we just do not allow ourselves to use them. Is not allowed, because they do not believe in ourselves. We have a good reason. Young children are very capable of telepathy and telekinesis. But, unfortunately, the parents all the time they pull up, "No more writing," or "Stop misbehave." Gradually, children lose these phenomenal abilities.

     I believe that the human mind is capable of amazing things. For example, I have a suspicion that I could get from New York to Los Angeles without a plane. If, of course, I learned how to teleport. Frankly, I have little idea how this can be done, but still believe it: you can.

     I think that we are able to reach the limits of the impossible, but not yet have sufficient knowledge for this. This is due to the fact that we have not learned how to use the knowledge to their advantage.

     Perhaps we can hurt someone if we get access to this knowledge. We really need to strive for such a state where we can communicate with everyone, based on the principles of unconditional love. Then we can, to approach to the development of the remaining 90% of our brain.


     Repeat with me: "I live in a world of infinite possibilities. I'm good." Think for a moment about these words. ALL IS WELL. Not something, not just a little, and ALL IS WELL. Believing that anything is possible, you allow all the answers and solutions to come into your life.

     The possibilities are endless. But we use them, it is our own business. Or is it a group of people. We either "sitting in the four walls" of his limitations, or to break free and enjoy a new experience, which gives us life.

     Try to treat yourself objectively. Watch for the processes that take place inside of you, for your feelings, reactions, beliefs. Avoid comments and harsh judgments. When you succeed, you will begin to use its limitless possibilities.

(To be continued)