Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Louise Hay


     The last few years I have had a publishing company. My motto was to be to deal with the daily work of love - answer phone calls, respond to letters - and not make plans in advance. Gradually grown publisher. Instead of two or three people working for the company for more than twenty. Our business was founded on the application of the principles of spiritual development. In the morning and before the end of the work we recited affirmations. Aware of the fact that at the heart of business is competition, we do not criticize other companies. Otherwise - it would return to us in the doubled capacity.

     We decided that if there came on a philosophical basis, it will not act on the basis of outdated concepts of business. If you have any problems, we turned to the affirmation, saying that we would like to change.

     We had a soundproof "cry room" where employees can "let out steam itself," not afraid to be heard and convicted. In addition, we otpeli special place for meditation and relaxation. In this room, we always kept the stock cassettes with music for relaxation. Many found there rescue when times are tough.

     I remember there was a time when we are constantly broke down the computer system. Because I believe that the machinery is a reflection of our state of consciousness, then I started to analyze the situation from this point of view. As a result, I came to the conclusion that we always pass on their negative energy computers and wait for their failures. I downloaded a computer program affirmations: "Good morning. How are you? I work well when I love. I love you." Every morning when we turn on the machine, the screen displays a greeting. Strange but true: since nothing broke.

     Sometimes we take things that happen at work, as a "catastrophe." But we must see them as exactly what they are in reality - ordinary life situations, which always teach us something. My life has not been a single "accident", which would not be a good lesson for me and would help me reach a new level of my development.

     For example, recently my company, "Hay House" was experiencing some difficulties. We become like the economic situation: the sale of our products is rapidly increasing, then fell down. At one point he fell and never got up - in any case, then. However, we did not pay attention to it for a few months spent more than we received. Any business owner knows that it is extremely unwise approach. In the end, I realized that I lose my company, if I will not accept "draconian measures".

     These "dragon measures" is and firing more than half of my employees. Imagine how difficult it was, mind to it. I remember went into a conference room and brought down on the heads of news of my colleagues. By my tears flowed down his cheeks, but I knew it must be done. Everyone else was just as hard as me. But I believed that my favorite colleagues very soon find himself a new and better job. So it happened with almost all. Some set up their own companies, which are now doing well in a difficult time, I knew and believed that the life situation will turn for the benefit of all who had the attitude.

     Of course, some people say that the worst had happened. Say, "Hey House" burst like a soap bubble. This was emphasized not only the people that I knew - gossip walked across the country.

     We were amazed that so many people know our company, not to mention the financial position. I must admit, we were pleased when all the dire predictions were not confirmed. We tightened the belt tighter and survived. The staff was much smaller, and each of them was willing to make every effort to overcome the bandwidth of trouble. And most importantly - we learned a lot.

     By the way, we now have "Hay House" well things are going. My staff in awe of his work, and I - in awe of them. It is interesting that none of them do not overdo, though all work very hard. We publish more books than it has ever been, and thrive in all areas of our business life.

     I believe that everything that is done in the end the better.

     Sometimes, especially in times of trial, it is difficult to understand.

     Think of something unpleasant feelings associated with work or with your past at all. Maybe you once fired or dumped wife (husband). Now try to look at these situations as small particles of huge canvas. Do not assume you will then experience, through which have in their lives many good things? I have many times heard such phrases as:

     "Yes, it was a nightmare. But if it were not for him, I would have never seen (a) so and so", or "... would never have discovered (a) their own business," or ". .. not recognized (a) would harm their habit. "

     Trust in the divine mind. It provides an opportunity to obtain the necessary for our development experience. Trust, we allow ourselves to enjoy all that life offers us - as good or bad. Try to apply this knowledge to your specific work situation. Notice what you will be changes.

     Those who have their own business, or who runs a company can build on constant communication with the Divine Mind. It is important to be open with their employees, allowing them to freely express their views. Keep it clean and housekeeping. Litter and bustle of the office is a reflection of the state of consciousness of people working there. As possible in the noise and din deal of intellectual work and take the right decision? You can be approved at a meeting of the company motto that reflects its main objectives. In the "Hay House" we had such a goal "of creating a world in which security is to love one another." When you allow the Divine Intelligence to act in all areas of business, then everything moves to the target in accordance with the divine plan. And this amazing opportunity is provided to you.

     I can see how many companies are beginning to change. The time will come when the conflicts and rivalries zavedut business to a standstill. Once we learn that each of us have a case. We bless each other and wished all prosperity. Companies will change their priorities. They support the aspirations of its employees for creative self-expression, and their products and services will benefit the entire planet.

     People want to work more than just a paycheck.

     They want to contribute to the cause of humanity and realize their potential. The desire to do well at the global level will win the materialistic approach to the world.