Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Louise Hay
HEALING bygones

     I found that working with the inner child - the most effective way to heal past hurts. We do not always let the inner child to share with us what he feels. If your childhood was full of fear and conflict, we, as adults, we can no longer abandon the old behavior. Therefore, from time to time we are mentally "whip themselves on the cheeks." Actually, not himself, and his inner child. Unlike an ordinary child, he can not run away from home and thus get rid of the punishment. You need to overcome his limitations as a parent. Try to establish a relationship with a little bewildered creature within. He needs to believe in something that you care about him.

     Take the inner child a couple of minutes right now. Tell him your kind words of love. On, maybe you once again turned to an adult? Talk it with the child. Imagine that you take him by the hand and leave out together for a few days. You will immediately become happier. You will experience the best moments of his life.

     What do you know about yourself? Sit quietly, close your eyes and see the inner child. If you have not had a chance to talk to him, say, 62 years, it will take some time before the child is going to believe that you have returned to him. Be persistent, "I want to talk to you. I want to see you. I want to love you." Gradually established contact. You will learn to feel the baby, see it and hear it.

     The first thing to do in this case - is an apology. Say that you feel sorry for her coldness to him all these years. Say what you want to catch up. Ask how you can make him happy? What scares him? What he can do? And that he would like to get from you?

     Start with the easy questions: What can I do to make you happy? What you want TODAY? For example, a child may say: "I want to jog," and he replied:

     "Running on the Beach". Relationship necessarily improve. Persevere.

     If possible, try to contact the child several times a day and you'll find that life is much much better.