Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Louise Hay.


     Some of you think that all the world knows. It's sad but true: "know-all" spiritually evolve and do not allow in my life is nothing new. Do you agree with the fact that there is a Supreme Intelligence and Higher Power, or think that "all" is concentrated in your physical body? If you think that you "pebble became friends," then I do not envy you. Do you live in fear, and this fear is caused by the limitations of your mind. If you understand that there is a force in the universe, which is much wiser and more powerful than man, and that we - ITS particle, then the way is open for you to know its infinite possibilities.

     How often do you give in limiting the influence of ideas? Every time you say "I can not", you put in front of his own nose sign "Stop". You voluntarily give up knowledge of Inner Wisdom, to block the energy leading to spiritual knowledge. Do you want to overcome the limitations of their ideas? You woke today with some thoughts in my head. Are you willing to change some of them in order to get acquainted with a higher plane of reality?

     This process is called knowledge, as you will know the nature of the new, which will soon become part of your life. New ideas can be reconciled with the existing, and may lead to their further development.

     Have you ever noticed how, sorting out the wardrobe, you put aside all the excess and you do not need more clothes? You put in a bunch of what you're going to give someone, and throw away the things that come into complete disrepair.

     Then you put clothes back in a completely different manner.

     So you simplify the search for the right thing and leave space for new clothes. When buying a new thing, you try to squeeze it on the shelf among other things. But when the cabinet is analyzed, a place to find new things very easily.

     We need to complete the order in their thoughts.

     Cleaning must be done in the head. From it is necessary to periodically throw old ideas to make room for new ones. Thus, we are clearing the way for its limitless possibilities. Where is God, everything is possible, and God is in all of us. Continuing to adhere to restrictive ideas, we do not allow ourselves to grow. Someone is sick, and we say, "Oh, the poor man, as he is suffering!" Instead, you should look closely. Then we will see in this man the absolute truth of life and support the healing of his divine power.

Do you see, the possibilities are endless? Do you believe in miracles?