Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Joe Vitale
Spiritual Marketing


Many years ago, I discovered that most of us, including myself, do not like to let go, because in this case there is nothing left for what would be hooked. This is not a tragedy. Most of us feel that if we can not interfere, struggle and efforts, it seems that we do not move towards. While the struggle provides a sense of achievement. In the end, you can say, "Hey, I tried."

Ego gets great pleasure from the fight. The ego feels that it is doing something very important. However, this is not bad. If your ego needs noshe, let him fight for something important to you. But the truth is that you do not have to fight. Again, I repeat, that things could be different ... much easier.

I used to spend training called "The Inner Game of writing copy." It was compiled from the works of Tim Golveya, who wrote the book "The Inner Game of Tennis" and is co-author of other books on the "inner game." And found that we have at least two separate entities within us, but it is not the individual, representing aspects of our mind. Galway called their primary substances and secondary substances.

The first entity can compete with your ego, the part of you that wants to control.

The second entity can compete with your inner teacher, that part of you that is in unity with all life.

The first task is to select the Essence of what you want, and release. Task second nature is to deliver to you what you want.

Galway realized that when people gain the ability to let go and believe they have the desired more often than if they did not have that ability, and everything comes to them more easily than if they fought for the fulfillment of a wish.

This concept applies to your life. Select what you want and let God or the universe (as you call it) to give you what you want. Let them organize events so that your desire to implement. Let go of the desire to know exactly how this will happen. Knowing the "how" can be your limit. If you wish to choose, but do not consciously see the way to make it a reality, you can surrender. The conscious mind can not see all the possibilities. Give up control and give you the freedom of the universe to fulfill your desire.

(To be continued)