Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Louise Hay

Love for the child within us

     You have no real intimacy with people.

     Maybe it's because you are too. far from being a child who lives within you? He was scared. It hurts: help him.

     I think it's time to address one of the most important topics of our conversation - the healing of the child that lives in every adult. Most of us have forgotten about the child and do not pay any attention to his pleas for help.

     No matter how old you are. Inside, you'll still hiding a small child who needs love and encouragement. Even if you are on business and independent woman, inside you live a little delicate girl who needs help. And if you - man, let you a thousand times Superman, under the outer shell is still hiding a little boy, eager to love and warmth.

     In the human mind and memory are stored memories of what we were like in a particular age. All Pasha numerous "I" of different years travel with us through time, from the moment of birth. When we have something goes wrong, we as children are ready to believe that the world is something wrong. Children think that by doing is always right, you can earn parental love. And in that case they will not be punished.

     When a child wants something and does not get, he begins to believe that is not good enough, that it is incomplete. Thus, growing up, we are moving away from all sorts of features of his nature.

     We need to re-repair itself. Let's start to do it right now. First of all, we have to take in all the what was previously rejected. Accept that part of yourself that may be, it seems ridiculous, stupid, slovenly, terrified. The part whose face smeared with cake. Every part of yourself.

     I think that we renounce ourselves somewhere between the ages of five years.

     We take this decision, because we think that with us there is something wrong. We do not want to have anything to do with this stupid and frightened child.

     In addition, we also live in our parents or one of them.

     As a rule, they are always berating inner child. Listen to your internal dialogue and hear the grumbling. This is one of the parents to remind you that you are not fit anywhere.

     Thus begins a war within us. We criticize ourselves with the same words that the parents: "You fool. You ugly. You do not like that. Again mischief!" When we grow up, then either ignore your inner child, or criticize him desperately.

     And no we can not abandon the model of communication with himself.

     I once heard as John Bradshaw, author of several excellent books on healing the inner child, said, "By the time we become adults, we have accumulated twenty-five thousand hours of recordings of parental voices. And how much do you think of those hours devoted to pleasant, kind, kind words, to such as, for example: "you're beautiful", "You are loved" or "you're smart," "you're capable of?" And how much - to all sorts of variations of the word "no"?

     No wonder that we are all the time saying "no" and "would." We play by the rules of our parents, or better, to have triggered the old record. However, it is only a record, not some reality of our lives. Entries do not have anything to do with the world in which we live. In addition, they can be erased and written over.

     Every time you say that you are afraid, remember the inner child. This is because he says these words. Adults, as a rule, do not fear. But the same reason adults do not want to support and comfort the child. Without it, they would never get along with himself. Let the adult and the child inside of you to talk.

     This idea may seem funny to you, but do not reject it.

     It works. Let your child understand and believe in the fact that you will never, under any circumstances, do not turn away from it, do not throw it in the lurch. You will always be with him and never stop loving.

     For example, when you were young, you rushed to the dog, maybe even a bite. So: your inner child is still afraid of dogs. And no matter how many years now, is seen in the distance a dog, you immediately shied away. It is said to have a child. That's where you are, and should be reasonable and kind parent calming baby. Say, "It's okay. I, an adult, take care of you. I will not allow the dog to hurt you. Need not fear."