Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Louise Hay

Take care of your body. Treat your body as a wonderful house in which you are destined to live for a while. You would love this house, cared about him, is not it? First, let's look at what you sling around your body. It is now very much widespread drugs and alcohol - the two most popular means of escape from reality. If you use drugs, it does not mean that you are a bad lot. This can only mean one thing: you have not found another way to deal with their problems.

     Drug beckons you, "Take us, we a good time." And it is - true. You can find yourself in heaven. However, drugs are so heavily distort your reality, which ultimately will be paying a terrible price. Once you have a period of time taking drugs, health begins to deteriorate rapidly. The first to suffer the immune system, leading to the development of many different diseases. In the future, you can not really give up drugs. So, before you take them, you need to ask yourself at what drives you to this risky step. Maybe you have a difficult time and you want to escape? As for the constant use and addiction, it's a different story.

     I have never ever met a man who would truly loved themselves and at the same time taking drugs. Drugs and alcohol - is an attempt to get rid of the feeling of inferiority, which we carried with us from childhood. When the state of drug intoxication is, we feel even worse than before.

     Moreover, we additionally take on the guilt. We have yet to learn that the feelings do not need to hide. Feel - it is safe. In addition, any feelings eventually pass.

     Further evidence of the lack of love for yourself - not eating right.

     We can not live without food, because it - the fuel for our body. Without it would not happen the development of new cells. But even if we know the basics of good nutrition, you still use these products, which are harmful to our health and lead to obesity.

     We have become a nation that can not live without canned food. For the past decades, we are sitting on a diet, which I call "the great American diet," ie, eat only processed foods. We allow different companies to deceive us with publicity stunts and influence our eating habits. Even future doctors do not teach basics of nutrition. Well if a medical student himself expressed the wish to get acquainted with this subject is optional. What is called traditional medicine, mainly based on treatment with medication and surgery. Knowledge on the basics of good nutrition can only be yourself, at will. Careful attention to diet and your health - it is an act of love for yourself.

     If an hour after breakfast, you begin to get sleepy, ask yourself what you ate. Perhaps it was something with which your body can not cope in the morning. Pay attention to the foods that give you energy, as well as those who consume it. In this case, we can proceed by trial and error. Also, you should consult a good specialist, who will answer all your questions.

     Remember, what is good for one person may not work for another. The body of each of us is different. For any person useful macrobiotic diet. As well as the methodology developed by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, author of "Ready for Life." They are completely different approaches, but both are very effective. The body body discord, so to recommend any one of these methods is not possible. So you should choose the one that most suits you.

     Pick up the exercise, from which you enjoy. Try to tune in to it positively. Often the problem at the level of the body are connected with the information you received from other people. Forgive yourself for it and release the anger and resentment, if you want your body to have occurred any change. The combination of affirmations with favorite exercise - a direct way to change the negative programs that affect your condition.

     We live in a time when the number of techniques to promote health is growing by leaps and bounds. We are now learning how to combine ancient techniques with the latest advances in medicine, such as medical tradition of Ayurveda with zvukovolnovoy. technology. I have long been studying the sound vibrations in the stimulation of the brain and the ability to influence the ability to learn and heal. There are research papers showing that the disease can be cured with the help of a mental change in the structure of DNA. I think that by the end of the century, we make a number of discoveries that will be of huge benefit to mankind.