Thursday, October 11, 2012

Richard Webster

Memories of past lives


Usually when I get someone to childhood, primary incident is an adult quite trivial. Sometimes - careless, meaningless remark. One of my patients came back to the time when his father went to the city and saw prostitutes in bright clothes.

- Look how beautiful my aunt - she said.


The father turned to look, and was horrified. He jerked his daughter's hand: "Do not look at them!". After this incident, the little girl learned that her father does not like beautiful women, and trying to please him, stout. Naturally, as soon as the memory of the long-forgotten incident was restored, my client realized why gained weight, and then dropped it once and for all.


Over the years of practice I have often had occasion to observe the spontaneous return of people in past lives. Sometimes these experiences were alarming, especially for those who have not thought about the possibility of the existence in the past. But it was the first spontaneous recovery of past life made me refocus my hypnotherapeutic practice and start to specialize it to regress. I previously interested in this question, but could not understand why some personal memories have nothing to do with my real life. And so the concept of reincarnation has always believed deeply logical.


I soon discovered that there is no single method is applicable to all. I have high hopes for the hypnosis, but not everyone shares my enthusiasm. Many people have all kinds of fear of hypnosis. People are afraid of losing control, to give the hidden secrets and to do what would not have done in a normal state. It's just possible, but if a person admits this possibility, hypnosis has no effect.


In addition, not everyone returns to a past life, which is probably due to three reasons. First - fear. If someone is experiencing fear or reject reincarnation for religious reasons, he could not relax enough to cause the flow of the memory of a past life. This did not happen when the patient-hypnotist no confidence.


The second reason is that the person may not have had a previous life. In this case, this is - "new soul" and before there was not. I've never met the soul that resides in our world for the first time. I think that all souls were created in the same time, but then developed at different rates.


A third possible reason - in that previous life events were too traumatic and subconscious deliberately block them - along with access to all the past lives. This is especially likely if the person then suffered a horrible death.


So, I tried many different methods to help people after many years to return to their previous lives. I had different techniques for those who resisted hypnosis or could not under its influence to remember past lives. The most effective of these methods is described below in the book. Each person is unique, and you will see that some of these methods is best for you than others.