Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Franz Bardon
10 stages of initiation
(Excerpt from the Gate of Initiation)

Stage V

Wise Archimedes once said, "Give me a place, and I will move the world." Only a few know that this proposal contains great occult mystery, namely the mystery of the fourth dimension.

As you know we are out of school, all clothed in the form of: stone, plant, animal, human - and has a length, width and height. If we are in the middle of a form, such as a ball, conceived intersection, at the intersection of the points where the so-called "depth" of the point. Just this point meant Archimedes, as it is both initial and final point, the core of any shape.

From this point of each form is uniformly objective, that is, it is in its true equilibrium. Therein lies the secret of the fourth dimension, that is, the concept of time and space of absence, and hence the mystery of spatial magic.

The student should carefully meditate on the subject, after which he opened an unprecedented depth, and he will reward high intuition, acquired in the course of such meditation. Spatial magic we dedicate learning magic spirit of the fifth stage.

(To be continued).