Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Joe Vitale
Spiritual Marketing

In his book "Cutting your own fate" Wayne Dayer said that if you do not embody what you wish, perhaps in your inner world is not enough love. There is another way to know that you can not quite clean inside. Think about the feelings you experience in relation to the people involved in the implementation of your desire. If there is a negative "load" or uncomfortable feelings against anyone, it means you are not clean on this man.

Forgiveness - the best way to cleanse yourself. And the best way to learn how to forgive - is to feel gratitude. I'll talk a little more about gratitude later in the book, but now you know that if you focus on what you like in a person, you feel grateful, and then you begin to forgive, then you shall be clean. And when you clean, you'll get what you want, be able to become the person you wish, and you can do what you want.

And here's another easy way to clean, and you can apply it yourself. I learned this from my friend Bob Proctor at one of his seminars on "the science of getting rich" ...

Take two sheets of paper.

The first sheet describe negative conditions in which you are located. Describe the situation as it is now, and feel the emotions associated with this situation. Maybe they will not be too fine. But you'll want to dive into this feeling, because the more you feel it, the more you'll get rid of him. In other words, any emotion that you put down, sooner or later emerge. While she was depressed, it clogs your internal vibration. Get rid of it and you give out your energy and be able to realize what you want. Allow your feelings to surface, when you describe the undesirable situation.

Now put this piece of paper to the side.

Take another sheet and start to describe what should be the situation. Sign in joyful feelings associated with the described desired situation. Just immerse yourself in this good energy. Describe the situation, what you want to see it, and draw the picture in such detail that you can feel it as early as the time of writing. You can get rid of the negative experiences as well as the desire to survive it, and now you want to experience positive emotions, so you can create a new image and mount it in your subconscious. The more you fall in love with this new image and these new feelings, the faster they will manifest in you.

Now take the first sheet, then play it and burn it.

Take the second piece, fold it and carry for a week.

Everything is ready. Perhaps you have just freed themselves from the negative block. And if it happens, it will still appear, just repeat this exercise.

Look out! It's so easy!

(To be continued)