Thursday, October 11, 2012

Joe Vitale
Spiritual Marketing

You can ask all you want to have, what you want to do or who you want to be, but still you can wish that the universe has given you something better. Finish all your requests with the words: "This or something better" and thus you give the universe know that the words "Thy will be done" is extremely important to you.

Why is that? Because the universe can see the whole picture at a time, as your ego does not have this ability.

- Your task is to ask for what you want, and then act in accordance with the internal motivation, such as making phone calls, writing letters, visiting certain people and the like. In his wonderful book, "You were born rich" Proctor says:

"Learn to follow the quiet voice within you, the speaker feelings rather than words, follow the most of what you" hear "inside you, not what other people tell you to do."

The universe itself will act to move you in the direction desired, and desired by you. All you need to do - is to let go, continuing to act accordingly your inner motivations. Let go of fear, doubt, anxiety, frustration and other negative emotions that press on your spirit.

The great poet and sage Rumi wrote words that can help you here:

"Everything that has happened, is to get rid of the scourge."

Think about it. All that you have to do - is to believe. Believe that when something happens, it's good, and believe also that when something is going on - that's fine too.

(To be continued)