Wednesday, May 6, 2009

DZHASMUHIN. Breath of Love.


In the process of respiration is used for breathing meditation of love, as well as the way to ancient Vedic Holy Breath. Both techniques increase the level of qi in the body of energy and prana, and strengthen the ability of cells to attract and radiate a beneficial flow of Paul Theta Delta.

Our breath - a powerful way to fill and set up your bio at the desired frequency. We have a lot of breathing techniques that can achieve a lot: from the calm and the withdrawal of biological stress and physical access to the astral world, traveling in the inner worlds and Biolocation. You can also achieve the thinnest setting their energy fields and worthy of the Holy Presence of personalities. There are many technologies for working with the breath of God for the health and nutrition, but I recommend only two of them, as described below.

Breath of Love.

This specially designed machines, which you can customize the channel of Divine Love, had a food of Gods. I call this method "Meditation on the Breath of Love".

Exercise every morning and every evening at least 5-10 minutes, until not feel that thoroughly imbued with love and all your actions come from love. First, do the following meditation each morning and then during the day (as soon as you will have the opportunity), and one month (or slightly more) feel the effect.

* Step One: Imagine yourself inside the beam of pure love, which is the heart of the Divine Mother into your heart chakra.

* Step Two: deep breath love, repeating "I am the Love" - keep repeating this mantra with sincerity.
* Step Three: Vydohnite love of her body, repeating with sincerity "I love", and imagine that each cell is filled with your love and that pours from your auricheskogo fields to the outside world.

At the same time, please contact me with the words "I love you. I love you. I love you ", until you feel slight tingling all over his body. This exercise will make your cells and atoms more receptive to clean the Mother of Divine Love, and God will strengthen your heart and your ability to attract and radiate love. At the same time, it will transfer the vibration model of your brain from the Beta to Alpha Theta-Delta area.

This technique is great even so, it helps us to feel compassion for those people to whom we are ill and that we condemn. It also helps us to reject all their masks and shields and see who we are in reality.

Of course, you will be able to verify the effectiveness of this method only on their own experience. As mentioned in many books, mostly of simple breathing techniques used mantra "I have a love" or "I love", which helps to calm, in the words of the Indian yogis, our mind-monkey bouncing. Such techniques are helping us to become collected and concentrated. Many people can not concentrate on my breathing more than a minute or two, after which they were caught myself thinking about the work of the shopping, or something else. However, do not learn to control your mind, you can not tune to the channel of Divine Catering. This is a prerequisite for achieving internal and external peace. This applies especially to Westerners, is not accustomed to rest and silence.

This method, more than 5000 years and it can achieve a lot. First, we can breathe and breathe through their "Divine I", staying inside of us came into this world for the human experience, and for this purpose he uses our bodies - physical, emotional and mental. Without His power, we would not have been able to exist. When we breathe with him in a rhythm, we were beginning to open to His power. Using this method, we like to call her "Divine I": "You're here?", "I sincerely want you to feel".

* Sit a few minutes in silence, then:
* Begin to breathe through the nose deep, rhythmic breathing without pauses between inhalation and exhalation.
* Realize that your breath stays for a certain energy. Just watch and feel the rhythm of his breathing.
* Remember that you are trying to focus on the internal force that drives your breathing and you know what caught his rhythm, when the whole body will begin to run pulsating waves of love. After a while you feel that someone else control your breathing.

Train you to the fourth or fifth breath experience the bliss of love "Divine I". Imagine that you are able to so quickly become involved in a zone of bliss.