The fate of man, its predetermination and the possibility of changing the drawn - this is a topic of interest than one generation of people.
Personally, I am interested in it after I received the prophecy, which fully came to pass. In the future, from the question about the possibility of prediction, and I proceeded to reflect on the fate and the will of man.
In a dispute about the fate and the will there is the argument: if possible the prediction of future events, the future always, it seemed to have already been written. For example, the memoirs of Vanga found that she had seen the future, both on the film.
In this regard, A. Gorbovsky writes:
"There is evidence - and quite a lot - that the event may become known well before it happens. This can only mean one thing: the event well in advance of its realization is already a sort of reality. It's as if there are not staying in the present, and future time. If any, even if single, future events was made possible predznat, it means that drew and fatal totality of such events, it is very future. Accordingly, our every deed, the actions we commit - as we see it - at their own discretion, they also painted, drew, pre ".
Yes, the allegations about the fact that such predictions are possible, one can find quite a lot in the literature, but I was able to satisfy itself that the prediction of future events is quite real. I am ready to share its experience of eight years ago to magu and fortune with the question of how soon in my life a new work. An excerpt from an article of those years, I quote here:
"All of these words - the magic shop, magician, predictions, and the attributes in the office I was forced to wait for any, the most incredible manipulation. In fact, things have turned simple: having the ability to obtain information about the future only to the touch to ask the question, magician knew the answer just a few seconds.
- I see the flow of money from work after a month and a half. Indeed, at this moment you are primarily interested in money?
- Yes, but suddenly I have one and a half months of selling something and get the money?
- Okay, let's look further. No, it will be a constant work, get it in July, but you will not like, and a year later, you change it.
All questions and answers had lasted no more than 5 minutes. Was I out of the salon with a magical range of emotions: hope that all turned out true, on the other hand, I have cursed themselves, that do some small stuff, threw money into the wind, but may not thrown and all the truth ...
It has been a month, come July. As often happens with me, if something serious situation for me is ripe, it will tend to overlap. This time I found in one week, three works. After a decent competition, I started one of his works, and at the same time I was invited to another, which I was fascinated more.
I have already started to believe in prophecy, already believed that the work I have to start in July, but the second job offered in August. Plyunuv on superstition, I apologized to the first company and wrote a statement in August to another.
The most interesting thing is that in the end I was asked to leave a little early, not in August, but all the same in July as had been predicted, although in late ".
Once having received a prediction from the mage, I doubt until the last minute that such a prediction is possible in principle, continue to try to find answers to the question of fate and the will of man.
For several years I have collected predictions, but rather to verify the phenomenon, and most of these predictions converge with reality completely. Then I was informed of the possibility of such predictions from other sources, and even went on the applied aspects: in the future, while getting acquainted with the exercises for the development of intuition, the reader can draw attention to my technique "Predicting the future with the help of temporary". Further searches led to the poll response healers who work with human karma, hirologov and other interesting personalities, during a meeting to write an interview with a well-known predictor and the magician.
An interview with magician
- It is human destiny is predetermined?
- The one hundred percent. Man is born, lives and runs the program, so the fate of man is predetermined at all the nuances. Freedom of choice is the human emotional reaction to an event. That is, emotion - it's all about freedom. And in fact, events in life that are important to humans, pre-mixed. For example: marriage concerns, and how people live in marriage - it is his freedom of choice. Transfers are predefined, but as people will feel in a new place - this is his freedom of choice. The device and the device to work on the following activities are also foreseen, but the number of earned money, relationships with people - this is freedom of choice. Identify the poles, and between the pillars, landmarks - the freedom to choose.
- So, if a man destined to marry, or marry, then ...
- If not made any magical intervention in human destiny, he will marry or marry at a time when he stated in destiny. Podtyanetsya only the person whose fate at this time of the marriage, too. According to these principles, and meet people, but whether they will love as they relate to each other, it is - freedom. People are attracted to the event.
- If such an event should happen, is it possible to move it in time?
- Correction of fate is always possible, but it requires that people be deprived of something. If people want an event that is destined to him, move or remove, it should be on something to give.
- This will have a magical effect?
- This is a magical effect.
- If a person is asked to magu for predicting whether there is such a thing as the impact of the word mage in sbyvaemost events?
- No, do not depend on words. The event will still happen.
- If a person is at a fork in, he still chooses what he made of the fate?
- Man is not in a position to choose what he is not fated. In principle, people do not even know what it would in a minute. It may involve, plans to build, but it will not, as he plans, as well as it should be.
Therefore, the choice - it is free will, but the specification of choice is predetermined in advance. A woman, for example, may choose, for one of the two men get married, but was originally destined to, which of these men, she had a choice.
- Very interesting. It turns out that this is an illusion that a person chooses? He may emotionally respond to any question, and all predetermined?
- Absolutely true. It seems that he is master of its destiny, and most people believe that "everything depends on me", but there are milestones on which the person is, he can not ever jump or evade. This - predetermination. This is the rock. And it is impossible to avoid the rock.
- If a man comes to the magic of what happens to his fate?
- If a professional person, totally changed the destiny. If it is not an engineer, who was the evening of magic, if he does not janitor by day and night is magic, if it is his profession, all of predetermination disappears. Because the magician works with the gods. There have influence deities, and people would fall for a range of events. Therefore, as a rule, difficult to predict the fate of mage. Mage to conjure and to change their destiny.
- If a man comes to magic, is also predetermined in advance?
- Yes. That will work - is predetermined, but the height, which reaches, - depends only on him. It is given into the hands of his magical destiny. Walk in the door - it is fate. Where to go next - this is the case of the magician.
- Even a few words about the fate reprogramming.
- A total of human life, let us say, one percent. Can some scope to expand to two. But in this case is something a person should be picked. Suppose a man comes and says: I want to be rich. Ok. You are not destined to be rich, but we will make sure that the wealth has come to you.
In this case, a person must choose what to give. You can stop smoking, you can opt out of the use of alcohol, you can opt out of any pleasure of wearing jewelry, etc.
But only from the fact that human life is valuable. If people do not smoke, to give up smoking it is meaningless. He had this, and so no. He can refuse only on what is important. In this case, the energy go to other areas of life, and it was as though the window will expand and increase. Expand the window can be theoretically up to infinity, but in this case, a person will select the rest. Therefore, each to decide, from which he is willing to give in order to get something.
In general, change the fate - this is an extreme case. For example, all people work, and earn money.
And this is not the adjustment of fate, a change occurs: instead of thousands of people will get two, but will not get a hundred. A correction of fate suggests that instead of thousands of people will get a hundred, but something he will take. And the stronger a person wants to improve some aspect of life, the more he has taken from other aspects.
- If people are not referring to magu, with full confidence to repudiate something, drawing something else? Can this be done without magic ritual, or to hold a ritual akin to magic?
- This can be done independently, but in this case, people should keep in mind some kind of structure. If he forgets about it, then the "dumping". The difficulty is that the person is sleeping, love, drink alcohol, engage in sports, and if it is diverted from what he thinks is happening "dumping".
An interview with magician "Fate and the will of man", after the publication in one of the Internet portals has caused some controversy.
"Predictor argues that human destiny is predetermined by 100%, but allows for magical intervention (ie, correction of fate), that in itself is an exception to the rule. If he approves it with full confidence, then it can be verified (eg by manticheskih systems). Imagine this situation: a person learns through the same systems of their own destiny, and she
not satisfied. He decides to make a correction of the fate and completely change it in accordance with
their requirements. It seems to me that such an event, as the correction of fate - one of the most significant events in human life. So, it should have been predetermined by fate, and man must have known about it in the prediction. But whether they would become to change their destiny on their own or be waiting when she will change, because it is still predetermined destiny? It seems to me that if the fate of man was predetermined, there would be no point in mind and will, given to humans. The man was just an animal, guided by instincts and emotions (which refers to freedom of magician). Humans are inherently lazy. And laziness, I believe, is the true engine of progress, to make life easier for humans. If people would know that his destiny is predetermined, then it will just go with the tide, no effort to its improvement. I am more inclined to believe that a person from birth has some karmic predisposition to any events in his life, but he himself will lead in these situations and how this will change after his fate depends on it. Nothing in the world does not happen just like that, everything is the result of any causes. Even the lines on his hand, which are used to predict the fate of palmistry, changing with the times. I have no reason not to respect the magician. Moreover, I am confident that his experience and knowledge allow him to claim that he asserts. But I would like to specifically look into the matter, and if there is a possibility, I would like to hear his comments about my letter ".
A mage:
We Slavs existed notion "follow the Year". In other words, the person receives the fate of those good, who bad, who are so-so, but it's fate, and it is unchangeable. The Slavs believed that destiny can not be changed, but they also felt that should not oppose what is given from birth, as well as any actions and "body movements" do not change your fate in the drawn. Follow the Rock - to take such a fate, as it is, but to do its work, work, bear children, to grow corn, raise cattle, etc. Who is destined to be a killer - he kills, who is destined to be a saint - be it, this rock, this is Fate. If people want all the same to escape from the circle, to go beyond the fate, he went to the magicians, and he helped him. But the magus previously know whether he can do something for the person, and if Rock prevent human intervention, he performed the work. If Rock does not suggest any changes, the magus was powerless. Therefore, MAG is not always able to change something in the fate of man.
Opinion Vlada Lyabedzka, the author of the book "Russian Chronicles sanyasy" on the fate and the will of man, after reading the interview:
"The text invites reflection - if everything is flat and linear, as set out above magician. On the one hand, one can not help recall the words of another magician - H.L. Borges of the story "The Prayer": "Progress in time - dizzying interlocking causes and effects. To ask about any of the void, grace - that is, request that the steel grip of Silko weakened that they broke. This does not deserve any mercy ... "
On the other hand, even the physics we know that the very act of observation, we can change the future or the past (experiment Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen). And the act of observation - in translation from the language of physics to the human situation is the availability of free energy. They also include the bifurcation point, resulting in a situation of unstable equilibrium (this is from synergetics). Again, to achieve that very delicate balance needed energy (ie the balance, where you choose, or cascade of elections - by the way, these themes are very much works of modern philosophers, representatives of postmodernism dekonstruktivizma, poststrukturalizma - Derrida, Deleuze, Bart - of Unfortunately, the so-called esoterics most of them do not know how and do not know the classics of philosophy, theology, metaphysics, which, no doubt, were Magami (with a capital letter). The magician and is (in one aspect of its activities) - collects and redistributes energy. In the interview there was some aplomb - they say, is a professional magician, but a "fans". In my view, the magician - is not a profession, and it can not be (the results of magical way of life can be a successful implementation of the healer, psychotherapist, etc.), magician - it is a way of life.
Well, unless such people are not magicians (no firsthand knowledge of them and that in some respects they know the circumstances of their lives, to be exact - into the Purpose and live his life), such as directors Mark Zakharov and George Tovstonogov, actors Oleg Yankovsky, Sergei Jurassic, singer Andrei Makarevich, many outstanding scientists, doctors - especially surgeons, writers (Strugatsky, for example - the life and worldview of a generation turned to the policy of the Politburo and Central Committee of the CPSU), and many, many, many, many people never do not call themselves individuals, but such is certainly. And do not concern them, and millions. As for the choice and freedom, despite the truly "dizzying interlocking causes and consequences", Silko - a choice - the point of bifurcation, where the result of an unknown - is found in almost every human being.
The more people working on each other (no matter how - the variation is infinitely varied), the more of such points on the line of fate. There is a chance to get in the continuous "cascade of bifurcations" - but this is really fate few.
This is called in different traditions of salvation, transformation, etc. I would be happy if somehow answered your questions about my opinion on free will and destiny of man ".
Continuing the theme of fate and ability to influence it, we come to the fact that there are quite a few opposing views on the ability of people to change their destiny, or it depends entirely on the influence of higher forces, Rock, stars, karma, etc. Various arguments are offered various schemes to influence the fate and karma to the person, from the simple to recondite. In general, one can identify four major views on this subject:
1. The man himself creates all the events of his life.
2. Man depends entirely on the fate, Rocha, destiny.
3. The fate of man is that he is sure to pass the main events of his life, but otherwise he has a relative freedom.
4. A man periodically turns on the "crossroads of destiny", and on his choice depends the future.
The survey, conducted by the author of this book suggests that more than half of all respondents believe that there are "intersections of fate", in which people choose their future path. More than 36% of respondents believe that the events of life in varying degrees, determined in advance, and only 7% - that all depends on the will of man, and he creates all the events of his life.
It would seem that the concept of karma man could explain the inability or the possibility of free choice. But at a deeper consideration of this notion, it appears that in this matter there is no agreement. And the scheme of "influence - does not affect", many authors seek to arrive at a more flexible model based (but still the subject) of human karma.
Annie Besant, in response to this question, the karmic manifestations of shares to different types:
"... It should make a distinction between mature karma, finished already manifest as an inevitable event in this life, karma nature manifested in the inclinations, which is nothing but the accumulated stock of experience that can be modified in the present incarnation of the same force, which in the past create it, and finally, karma, acting in the present and creating the conditions for the future existence and the future of nature. There is another kind of mature karma, it is very important to its meaning, it is - the inevitable thing. Each act is the ultimate expression of a number of thoughts, if you take an illustrative example of the chemistry, you can compare it with the saturated solution, which we fill with one idea after another of the same kind, until not a moment when a last thought, or even simple impulse, a vibration from the outside to make the crystallization of the whole solution, in other words - the whole previous process of thought result in an inevitable thing. If we persist in repeating thought of the same genus, such as thoughts of vengeance, we finally reached to such a degree of saturation, where everyone, even the light, the momentum in a position to crystallize our thoughts, and the result will - offense. Or we can persist in repeating the idea of love and care to the point of saturation, and when a new idea, due to the possibility of help, will affect us, the solution immediately otverdeet, ie karma result in heroic deeds. Man makes his own karma. A dwelling in which he resides, was built by himself, and he may or improve it or damage it, or rebuild it again by the will of their own. We are working like in the plastic clay, and we can build it on their own volition. But then all of a clay hardens, retaining the form that we attach to it ".
Inga Panchenko (by A. Gorbovskomu):
"I think that is, especially if it has already been received from the future, will certainly be done, what would people do, no matter how tried to avoid it. There may be variations, but the basic pattern persists. This is not somewhat different future, but rather several options, but one theme. Man is free to choose within the same reality. Such a choice can be made, and incidentally, when the person himself does not suspect that from the de minimis, as it seems, act or word may depend on something in his fate. Ways that we have not chosen, continue to exist in parallel to the ways in which we are going. They have enormous potential, vpletayas in our future life with new incidents. It is as though an invisible layer of reality, invisibly present in our destiny. Invisibly - to rassudochnoy of consciousness. When a person makes a decision, at the level of reason, he is dealing only with those who can analyze, to weigh. But at the same time, some deep structures of his mind and take into account the invisible layer of unrealized potential options for its future. Painting Multivariant alternative future models of the opposite, where all fatally, drew and fixed once and for all. Is it possible to reconcile, or even combine these two views? Modern knowledge-known objects that can be described only in this way - the list of features to be mutually exclusive. For example, the light is a both a wave and a particle. The same electron. The phenomenon, which can be described with features exclusive to each other, called антиномией. The principle of antinomy is famous not only for science. They used an ancient school of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity to describe spiritual realities. Thus, according to Buddhist tradition,
on the same subject can be expressed as two opposing views, and in doing so, they should not be construed as a contradiction. Apparently, the future, too, can be described only as antinomy ".
If you summarize all of what we are today, it is likely to occur following conclusion: the impact of what people call fate, destiny, Fatouma, Carmen, the star there. If the will of man is stronger this influence, it may change the prescribed future events. But few of these people. It is usually those who engage in magical practices,
spiritual perfection, and in earnest. For your choice - to be stronger than fate or predetermination.HYPNOSIS