Sunday, October 7, 2012

Franz Bardon

10 stages of initiation

(Excerpt from the Gate of Initiation)


Stage II

Education magic body (II)

Education magic body of the second stage requires a change of breathing exercises. The previous step, we have learned conscious breathing - through the lungs into the blood to send respirable desire (by the principle of ether). In this chapter I will describe conscious breathing pores.

Our skin has a dual function, namely respiration and excretion. So we can use the skin as a third lung and kidney third of our body. Now everyone knew why the recommended dry massage, rubbing, washing with cold water, and other procedures. First, for the full discharge of our lungs and most of our kidneys, and secondly, to make our pores to work more actively. We are not here to talk about the benefits of these procedures for our health.

Conscious breathing pores of interest to us with a magical point of view, let's go directly to the practice. Sit comfortably in a chair or lie down on the couch and relax all muscles. Think now about the fact that with each breath breathe not only your lungs, that is, breathe the air, but the whole body. Be firmly convinced that, together with light every pore of your body is gaining vitality and sends it to the body. You have to look at it myself with a sponge, lowered into the water, which greedily absorbs moisture. The same feeling you should experience if inhaled. So part of your life-force of the element of air and the environment.

Depending on the personality of each entry will perceive the life force through the pores in their own way. If you are after a few repetitions at the same time managed to breathe through the lungs and the whole body, connect the two breathing techniques for inhalation for the purpose of his will, for example, the health, success, peace, control their passions, depending on what you need most.

Striving to implement your desire (expressed in the form of an order in the present tense) must be fed with all your body. If you have already purchased a skill in this experiment, you will each exhalation, imagine what stands out as the reply to your request, such as weakness, failure, anxiety. If you can breathe in and out easy and the whole body, the exercise performed.

(To be continued).

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