Sunday, October 7, 2012

Franz Bardon

10 stages of initiation

(Excerpt from the Gate of Initiation)


Stage II

The objective of this stage is to restore that peace of mind. If a beginner magician has the power of will, he can go to the mastery of the qualities that render him the greatest impact. If he is not the strongest will, then he can start on the opposite side to start aligning the smallest weakness, major weaknesses down hard on gradually, until you can both. To master the student's weaknesses have three options, namely:

1. The systematic application of autosuggestion.

2. Transmutation or conversion of weaknesses in opposing the positive qualities that can be achieved either through autosuggestion or frequent meditation and belief in yourself that you have good qualities.

3. Attention and willpower.

By applying this method to avoid expressing their weakness and kill it in the bud. This method is in itself the most difficult and is mainly intended for those who have a strong-willed and wants to find a strong will to fight against their weaknesses.

If the student enough time and he wants to make rapid progress of its development, it can use all three methods. Advantageous in this respect is the fact that all three methods work in the same direction, such as conscious eating, magic, water and so on. In this case, success will not be far behind.

The purpose of this stage is to achieve a balance of elements in the soul. Therefore novice magician, if he is to succeed in magic, must strive to quickly and safely eliminate the shortcomings that prevent them most. In no case can not take the next steps of exercise, if exercise of the second stage to be worked out in full and until you achieve success in the lining cells. To improve the character should strive during the passage of the course, but at this stage should be eliminated prevailing negative qualities that are the biggest obstacle to further development.

(To be continued).

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