Sunday, October 7, 2012

Louise Hay:

         As adults, we are gaining false ideas and misconceptions and lose touch with our innate wisdom. Thus, you need to let go of the ideas themselves and return to a sense of inner purity and pristine state of sincere love. We must return to her life the joy of life and purity of perception, comparable only to the fact that a child encounters, knowing the world.

     Think about what you wish for yourself. Do not forget that affirmation - affirmation positive, not negative.

     Go to the mirror and repeat your affirmations. Pay attention to the difficulties that may arise in this case. Uttering affirmation, such as "I love and accept myself" carefully watch for negative signals. Once you acknowledge them or even call by name, they become the gatekeepers, you otkroyuschih gate to freedom. Generally, a negative signal is a call from one of the four I have mentioned feelings - criticism, fear, resentment, guilt. And, most likely, to receive such calls and respond to the people you learned from your past.

     Some people set themselves a difficult task. However, I believe that the main purpose of our coming into the world - to learn to love themselves, despite the words and actions of others. We can always step over the bounds set by our parents or friends. If you were a child or an obedient little girl obedient little boy, you probably learned the vital position of their parents. You know what that means? You were not bad, but the perfect baby! You memorize by heart what they taught you mom and dad. And now, when the early years, were left far behind, you continue to follow the same course.

     How many of you repeat the words of their parents? .. Congratulations!

     They were good teachers, and you - the amazing students, but it's time to start thinking with your head.

     We often internally resisted the idea of ​​reciting affirmations to his reflection in the mirror. However, the resistance - is the first step to ensure that change. Many of us dream about a change in life, but even not want to hear about what you need to do something different. As a rule, there is a question: "Why me?" Some feel a sense of despair. Often, when I look in the mirror and say to yourself, "I love you," a child's voice is heard from inside, "Where have you been all this time? I'm tired of waiting until you saw me." And grief comes in waves: for we have been turned away from the child.

     When I suggested this exercise at the workshop, one of the participants admitted that terribly frightened. I asked what scares her, and she told me as a child was the victim of incest. Many of us have gone through this terrible experience, but now, as adults, we learn to let him go away. These days there are many literature on incest, even though I do not think that this phenomenon is prevalent now more than ever before. On the contrary, we have reached the time when our children have rights, and we no longer turn a blind eye to this social malaise. To end it, we must first acknowledge its existence, and then really focus their efforts on eradicating.

     For people who have been victims of incest in childhood, is crucial to therapy. We need a safe place where you can relive some experience and work on it. When we allow the resentment, anger or shame to leave us, we come to a space where he lives, our self-love. It does not matter on what exactly we are working, we must remember that there is a feeling - only feelings. Experience itself is left behind. We need to continue to work with the "inner child" until he feels completely safe. We have to thank myself for that we have the courage to go through that terrible event. Sometimes, when faced with the problem of incest, it is difficult to accept the idea that a relative did it because of the low level of development. Violence is always the result of violence. Evil men do, which at one time themselves have suffered from abuse. We all need healing. When we learn to love ourselves as we are, and take care of ourselves, we do not cause harm to anyone.


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