Sunday, October 7, 2012

Paul Ferrini

The ability and skill

Confronting the laws of nature, can not survive. But there are other, non-physical laws, and the first elements of consciousness that help organize your life on earth.

Thus, the intellectual activity of consciousness is fed by the fact that a person looks around and takes part in the affairs of this world. When consciousness is drawn inward to look in on itself, thinking slows and eventually stops. Observer and the observed are one.

The practice of self-observation - a very effective thing. It breaks down barriers between subject and object, creating new opportunities for intimacy. The past and the future are subject to the present moment - the eternal "now", which concentrates all the creative possibilities.

Ability exists as a potential opportunity. As soon as it appears externally, in the form of power, she has to overcome the resistance of the environment. As a result, it weakens. Most full capacity is retained when it is run and do not show it outwardly.

When you act, you bind yourself a certain sequence of actions. And when the work won a move to change this sequence becomes difficult.

Therefore, before proceeding to action internally to project expected effect on the existing situation and attention to responding to his people it affects. Take a break from the expectations and listened carefully. Ability to look beyond your self-centered perception will help you learn a lot of important and useful.

Conceptual mind expects any action taken linear results. But the results are rarely linear. Once the force is resisted, its direction changes. She turns up, down, or around obstacles. Often, it deviates from the original trajectory.

Despite this, all your planning involves linear results. No wonder that you so often feel frustrated.

Since most decisions are wrong, they have to be recycled. Feelings of guilt causes them to go around. Wine is like a magnetic field, which holds every decision open to constant doubts and new interpretations.

Feeling guilty all the action returns to the starting point, offering the same choice over and over again in different situations.

Actions are not burdened by guilt, are possible only when you are mentally project ourselves in a certain situation and foresee the result. The plan, which foresees resistance and obstacles, works better than any other.

It may seem that it is a mental process, but it is not. This process is essentially intuitive, requiring the ability to truly listen. Actions are earlier than would be elected in the right direction.

Poorly thought out actions are rarely productive. They cause an error of different nature. On the one hand, such actions are impulsive, on the other hand, is too cautious and lack of spontaneity.

When I asked what would happen if you tell your friend James this and that, can you give me two completely different answers. Can you remember the story of your relationship with James and answer on the basis of past experience.

Or, you can sit down, close your eyes and think of James, thoughts turn to him and see how he would react. The second method gives much better results than the first.

All the necessary information in this life you can get right now - just asking questions. Of course, this method only works if you still maintain a neutral position.

Your preferences will distort the answer. To avoid such distortions, before asking a question, to be honest, "I throw all of your preferences and prejudices and open independently and straightforward answers."

(To be continued)

Unique project
For the good of all mankind.
Look beyond the horizon together.