Sunday, October 7, 2012

Louise Hay:

Self love

     Can you remember the last time I love and your heart skip a beat in the chest? L because it was so beautiful.

     The same thing happens when you love yourself.

     The only difference is that this love will always be with you ..

     This will be the most beautiful of the feelings that you have ever experienced.


     The ability to forgive and let go of yourself not only helps you get rid of excessive burden, Noah will open the gates of love for yourself.

     This chapter describes some techniques to help you learn to love yourself. It might be interesting for beginners and those who have a long time working on their problems. His program I call the "ten steps." Over the last few years I have read it a thousand people.

     Love of self - a fascinating, wonderful adventure. It's like to fly. Imagine this: we can suddenly take off one wish, without effort. That would be awesome! So let us begin to love myself right now.

     Many of us suffer from a lack of self-respect, because we are "not perfect." Our failures and mistakes do not allow us to love ourselves as we are. We usually give ourselves the conditions. thus making our love "conditional". And then, when we come into contact with other people, it is in relation to them, too, "conditional". We all heard a thousand times that you can not learn to love without loving yourself. And now we realize the nature of our problems at home and can take the next step.


     1. The most important point in the science of love - it is most likely, the rejection of self-criticism. I have already talked about the criticism in the fifth chapter.

     When we tell ourselves that nothing bad happens, regardless of the circumstances, everything can be easily changed and corrected. And when we think that things are bad, the difficulties encountered at every turn. We are all, without exception, are changing. Every day - it's a new day. And today we are doing a bit like yesterday, The ability to adapt and move forward with the flow of life is our strength.

     Those who grew up in dysfunctional families, and often develop a sense of responsibility and excessive develop the habit of severe self-criticism. Think for a moment what words you use, cursing himself? I will give just a few of heard me, a fool, a bad boy, bad girl, useless, indifferent, stupid, ugly, unworthy, dirty, etc, etc. So?

     It's the words that you use, is not it?

     Need to develop their sense of dignity and self-worth. Because the feeling is not good enough, we always find a reason to be unhappy and humiliated. In addition, we allow such diseases and pain settle in our body; postpone that could bring us good, bad call with his body, cram his alcohol, drug and "heavy" products.

     One way or another, but we do not believe in yourself, because we are people, not gods. Let's learn how to not apply for their own perfection.

     Excessive demands only affect us too much pressure and interfere to see in themselves what needs healing. Instead, we can discover their creative abilities, strictly individual character traits, learn to respect yourself for the qualities that distinguish us from others. Each of us - its own problem, its role in the world. They have no analogues. And when we are determined to themselves critically, it is relegated to the background, it becomes clear.

     2. We need to stop frighten ourselves. Many of us are terrorizing ourselves with gloomy thoughts, thus only aggravating the situation. From the fly grows elephant. You can not live in perpetual anticipation of something bad.

     We often go to sleep, mentally draw a picture of the failed resolution of their problems. It is like a child: the kid thinks he has a monster under the bed, sitting, and is frightened of their own fantasies. Not surprisingly, at the same time you can not sleep. As a child you need parents who will come and cuddle you. But now you have grown up and know that only yourself can calm themselves.

     Sick people are often afraid of himself. As a rule, they seem the worst. They think about their funeral and as a result no longer feel like a person. Evil thoughts can ruin relationships between people. You do not have to call - this immediately concluded that you no longer love, and now you are sentenced to life loneliness. You feel abandoned and rejected.

     The same may be true of the work. You received from someone not very flattering opinion - you immediately imagining dismissal. This way you create and promote in our own consciousness paralyzing thought. Remember, they all represent a negative affirmations - negative statements. If you catch yourself in negative thoughts, podyschite any image that you would have been nice to see in its place. Maybe it will be a beautiful view, a sunset, a flower, a sketch of the sporting life, etc, etc. Use this image as a switch whenever discover that trying to scare themselves. Tell yourself, "I will no longer think about it.'ll Think of sunset on roses or yachts, and can be, on the waterfall." Choose any good you look. If you do this exercise regularly, you will gradually get rid of their old habits. But it will require patience and perseverance.

     3. The next way - is to be gentle, tolerant and kind to yourself. Order Arnold wrote with humor: "Dear Lord God. I pray for patience. And I want it now!"

     Patience - it is a very powerful tool that most of us suffer from the expectations of immediate gratification. We have to get it immediately. We do not have the patience to wait. We were annoyed when you have to stand in queues. Enrage us traffic jams. We are going to have all the answers right this minute.

     And at the same time - and all the good things in life. Too often, we poison our lives look to others. Impatience - this resistance cognition. We want to get answers, not having learned the lesson and doing the necessary steps in this direction.

     Imagine that your mind - a garden. Let's start with the fact that the garden - it's a piece of land. You there can thrive luxuriantly overgrown with self-hate, lie at every turn stones disappointment, anger, and anxiety. It's time to cut the branches of an old tree, which is called the word "fear." Once you take it all the way, and the land will be good. You sow seeds or plant seedlings of joy and prosperity. The land will fall sunlight, you'll love her attention to water.

     First show that nothing significant happens. But do not stop there, continue to care for the garden. If you will be patient, your garden will grow and flourish. The same thing happens with the mind. You "planting" some thought.;

     They turn to the garden experiences and situations that you so desire. But you need patience.

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For the good of all mankind.
Look beyond the horizon together.