Louise Hay:
Understand the nature of limits us BLOCKS
Immutable sense of self-loathing, guilt and self-criticism are the cause of stress and weaken the immune system.
Now that we know a little more about the inner strength, yes, look at the guy that keeps us from using it. I believe that almost all of us, there are certain barriers. Even when we are working hard on and get rid of the blocks continue to occur old problems, but on another, deeper level.
Many of us have an inferiority complex. We believe that we are not good enough and will never mend. And, finding fault with ourselves, we always decide that something is wrong with other people. If we still say, "I can not do that, because my mom said ..." or "My dad said ..." - this is a sure sign that we have not grown up.
Well, you made the decision to let go of him his barriers. Maybe you want to know about something new? Perhaps one of the following suggestions will cause a chain reaction, and you will have new ideas.
Imagine how it would be great if every day you get acquainted with a new idea. Idea, which would help gradually move away from its past and make life more harmonious. When you become aware of the nature of the individual life of the process, it becomes clear in which direction to go. If you dedicate all his time to self-knowledge, then eventually find out, over what exactly is the problem you need to work.
Each of us, life throws a pack! "Challenge, and this does not escape anyone. Otherwise, why would we walk to school called Earth? With some problems related to health, others are not very good relationships with people who have not built up third career , the financial problems, etc. And some bit of everything.
I think one of the biggest problems is that most people do not have the slightest clue as to what they would like in their lives to leave. We know that we are not in order, we know what we want, but we do not know that we are holding back. So let us not spare time to study limits our blocks.
If you ever thought for a moment about your own patterns of thought and behavior, as well as problems that cause can not straighten up, then what category would you carried them - to criticism, fear, guilt or resentment? I call it the "big four". What category is your favorite? Personally, I have had a combination of criticism and resentment. Perhaps you, too, two or three of your favorite category? What a feeling you experience enough bowl? Fear or guilt? Maybe you are suffering too much self-criticism, and thin-skinned? I would like to note that the offense - is nothing but a suppressed anger. So, assuming that you are not allowed to openly angry, you stage inside a warehouse of old and new injuries.
We should not ignore your feelings. We can not hide from them and pretend they are not there. When I was diagnosed, I had to look at home. I had to admit to himself such, it seemed absurd things that I used to listen to, and would not. For example, my resentment, I always wore a bitter memories of the past. And then I said to myself, "Louise, you're almost out of time. Enough condone this outrage. You should really change." Or, in the words of Peter Mc Williams: "You can no longer afford the luxury of a bad idea."
Life situations are always a reflection of inner convictions. Enough to cast all of these situations look to tell what a person believes. Maybe it's an unpleasant story and thinking ... But look at the people around you. They are like a mirror that reflects your understanding of yourself. If you constantly criticize the work, then it is probably because you are prone to criticism. Becoming a parent, vybudete criticize their children. Everything in our life - a mirror image of who we really are. When there is trouble, do not be lazy to look inward and ask what is the thought caused this situation, what is your contribution to it.
We each have a family pass behavior. It's easy to blame parents for their problems, a difficult childhood or unfavorable situation in the family. But, we bind ourselves, continue to be the victims, while our problems almost immortalized in marble.
No matter who and how offended you. It does not matter what you were taught in the past. A new day. Today you take the reins in their hands. Right now you are creating your future, to create a future environment around you. By the way, even what I just said does not matter to you .. Only you can take the case. Only you can change your thoughts, feelings and actions.
I just like to remind that you can. You certainly can, as it has internal Higher Cylon that can help you get rid of the family stereotypes. If you do it, of course, you will.
Remind yourself that the kids love themselves as they are. No child will criticize your body, such as:
"Why did I have such big ears?". Children are delighted with only what they have is a body. They are able to express their feelings. After all, one can see where the child is happy, and when not. Knows about the house. He will never be afraid to tell the world how he feels. The child lives in the moment. You too were once a child, but, as adults, have to listen to others and learn from them to be afraid to criticize themselves and feel guilty.
If you grew up in a family where criticism is a way of life, then, as adults, will be critical of yourself. If a family of your parents were not allowed to openly express discontent, it is possible that you will be afraid of anger and confrontation. You're all silently swallowed and accumulate resentment.
If as a child you were surrounded by people, actions and words which defined sense of grievance, it certainly affected your attitude toward yourself and life in general. Perhaps you are the person who is always running here and there with the words "excuse me" and never find the courage to ask for something open. Do you feel like you constantly have to manipulate to get what you want.
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