Sunday, October 7, 2012

Nikola Tesla
English physicist Rutherford called Tesla inspired prophet, and true, he predicted the emergence of treatment by high frequency, described the principles of the tubes and electron microscopes, long before the space age was talking about radar Venus and Mars.

Most of the life of Nikola Tesla spent in the U.S., but he was born in 1856, far from America, in Croatia, in the village of Smiljan, where his father, Milutin Tesla was a priest.

The father saw the son of the future priest. But Tesla dreamed of something else. He longed to become an engineer. This caused a storm of controversy in the family. Perseverance father so influenced impressionable youth that he was seriously ill. A cure no one hoped, but Nicola said that willpower keep you recover, if approved in technical education. And he actually recovered, the father reluctantly gave its consent.

Way across the ocean
in those remote times in Croatia did not have their high schools. Tesla had to study in Austria, at the Higher Technical School in the city of Graz. Electricity more and more fascinated him. It seemed to him the infinite world where great discoveries are coming. Tesla worked for eighteen or nineteen hours a day.

He is born a bold idea: to translate the electrical machine to alternating current. Tesla's idea seemed absurd, even the most prominent scientists. And then, becoming an engineer, he decided to go overseas, to Thomas Edison himself. To New York, got a great adventure. The Paris train station (ship to America went from Le Havre, where he had to go by train) scattered traveler robbed. Tesla was not only a little money, but without a ticket on a ship. Yet he somehow made it to Le Havre, and because his cabin applicant was not, he was allowed to take it.

In America, he landed the hungry, without baggage, with four cents in his pocket and a recommendation from one of the friends of Edison. "I know two great men - wrote the patron Tesla, referring to American inventors - one of which you, the second - this young man."

Edison took to his immigrant-Croat, albeit in modest engineer for repair of electric motors and generators. Tesla worked with enthusiasm, knowing no rest. In this respect, it was very similar to Edison. Otherwise they were completely different people. A year later, Tesla left Edison's lab, and the two inventors ever stretched the roadway.

"Inner Vision"
Tesla was again left without a livelihood. In his words, he "slept wherever they can, eat, finds." Was glad of any job: loader, excavator, a day laborer. Fortunately. Tesla was able to meet with wealthy men, who gave him the grant to organize their own electric company.

Now he took a patent for a patent, invention, it fell like a horn of plenty. One day in his laboratory appeared stout figure of George Westinghouse, head of the famous company. Being himself an inventor (the creator of the famous train brakes), he understood the importance and prospects of inventions Tesla. Without further ado Westinghouse offered Tesla's patents for a million dollars to start. In those days it was a very high reward.

Nikola Tesla was a rich man. He settled in the most expensive hotel, was smartly dressed. In any aristocratic house was a welcome guest. But inventor avoided dinner receptions. He's too shore freedom. Even preferred to dine alone, with restaurant reservations luxury New York hotel "Delmonico". But being a millionaire, he continued to work sometimes for days on end.

Tower "world system"
His experiments with electricity often look so amazing that it seemed in the laboratory creates not just a scientist and magician. In 1899 he was able to get an electric discharge of unprecedented length and with a lightning spark wirelessly at a distance of 300 kilometers a garland of 200 lamps!

Early in 1900 near New York City, on Long Island began building a huge laboratory Tesla. Its complex includes a high tower, like a giant mushroom - the most powerful radio transmitter. Tesla called this tower "world system", as it was intended to send messages not only around the world but also in the universe!

Construction was funded by banker John Morgan. Meanwhile, it became clear that this sverhradiostantsiya unlikely to bring business benefits. Morgan refused further funding, and the great thing stopped. When the First World War, the tower "world system" was exploded: the U.S. government feared that it would be used for espionage. Along with the tower collapsed and a dream Tesla unite the world, to learn to freely exchange information and energy to any distance.

Voice from Space
It was said that in his later years Tesla managed to create a "death rays" with a range of hundreds of miles, the rays that can destroy aircraft and destroy entire cities, he is working on devices with artificial intelligence and even the "time machine." The press claimed that Tesla has a direct relationship to a powerful explosion in Tunguska taiga (Tunguska meteorite). For this, he allegedly used the force of the magnetic charge.

Tesla believed that someone sends us signals from space, and that they will eventually be accepted by all mankind. Stressing the importance of communication with other worlds, he wrote: "For the sake of this great historic mission, in order to accomplish this miracle, I would give my life."

The failure of the tower "world system" seriously undermined the position of Tesla's business world. In the past of his wealth and life in luxury hotels. Now he could not always in time to pay the bill, even in modest hotels. For large experiments have also money was gone.

There was old. Tesla turned 86 he was feeling bad, but the doctors refused to help. Morning, January 8, 1943 the hotel maid, concerned that there was too long a call came in to Tesla. He was lying in bed dead.

Police arrived and the doctor. The latter concluded that the death was the night of January 7. The body of a genius inventor was cremated and the urn containing the ashes set to Fernkliffskom Cemetery in New York. Thus ended the life of this enigmatic genius, perhaps, the most mysterious of all the great.


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