Sunday, October 7, 2012

Paul Ferrini

The illusion of an objective

Any 'objective' reality is based on a subjective agreement. Meanwhile, if you will be to scrutinize the agreement, you will see that it is as thin as tissue paper, fragile film that coats the perceived thee peace. Under this film no one to disagree.

What is happening in this world events have certain rhythm and grace. But, here is you and your attempts to give them meaning, and rhythm and grace is gone. You just imagine that you understand the value of a particular event, such as, suddenly lose the ability to understand it.

Understanding of what else needs appreciation and sensitivity. Some time to move together with the situation, and its sense of itself open to you. This is not a cerebral process.

Reason to make judgments and taken to seek their support. The world consists of those who accept this judgment, and those who disagreed with him. In such a world can not be anything other than competition, struggle and greed.

You did not ask how the world would look like, whether it is free of judgment. But that, my friend, is the only issue that would be worth to ask.

Maybe you did zadash now? Maybe we should ask, "What would my life right now if I did not judge her?" As long as you are not separated from the external events of judgments that you made about them, you can not understand their value.

If you want to know 'reality', drop their opinions about it and immerse yourself in it, simply and completely. This applies to any situation in life.

Did you know that you have cancer? Nothing can be done, live with cancer. Admit it, all you think about cancer, positive or negative, it is nothing more than your interpretation of what is happening. You yourself decide what it means.

Not decide, which means this or that phenomenon. Just let it be so, what are - and live with it, move with it, breathe it.

Free yourself from thinking about it, and you will begin to understand. You might not you manage to express their understanding of words, or maybe you can. It does not matter. Illumination will still come.

Meaning, the purpose of all event lives in the depths of your consciousness. To open this point, you have to look inside my head. It is useless to seek outside the so-called "objective" events and to find meaning in them. This is a waste of time. There you will not find it.

Of course, the first thing you want to do - is to consult about his condition to other people. Consult a specialist. Hear one, two, three opinions.

But be honest with yourself. Have you become better to understand, after hearing the third opinion than once heard the first? Brought a consultation with a specialist understanding, calmed a soul?

If so, be careful! If you replace them with their own interpretation, it does not help you understand what is happening.

If you want to get into the subject matter, give up all interpretations and immerse yourself in the situation. When someone tells you: "I know the answer" - politely ask him to leave you alone. Responses of other people are just as harmful to you as your own judgment of the situation.

Admitted: "I do not understand what it means, so I will give yourself time to understand. To understand what this situation means for me, I will trust the same reasonable force, which brought her into my life. "

This behavior is most full of love. It will set you free, and anyone around you, from the need to judge, interpret and explain the situation.

No need to push other people. Invite them to be with you. Let them poderzhat your hand. Take a good look at their faces. Be grateful for the mere sympathy. And let them know, 'I do not have to settle ... Just something more to penetrate deeply into my life. "

To be free of judgments and interpretations easy. And yet, you find it extremely difficult. And all because you forgot what it means to be.

As a result, the simplest thing in life is the subject of the most complex systems of meditation. You'll find a variety of techniques, which are taken to teach you "how to be." But, while there is a method, you will be "doing."

I urge you to give up all of your methods. They do not need to. Just stop to judge, interpret, comprehend, guess.

Discard anything that does not have a "being". And then being bloom itself. Then open up the beauty of the imaginary disorder events. And you will understand the meaning of, and be happy that all is well.

There is no man who would want to escape from his earthly destination after it was revealed to him. But this can not happen while you're trying to make their lives unfold.

Be patient. Be generous. All the joy, the beauty of life are available to you right now. - Your task is the full manifestation of the present moment.

Do not look for meaning outside of their own experiences. Just trust what you have, and whether that is. This is the most profound teaching what I can offer you. For this simple practice of destroying all the obstacles on the way to truth.


(To be continued)

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