Sunday, October 7, 2012

Franz Bardon

10 stages of initiation

(Excerpt from the Gate of Initiation)


Stage III

Know, to dare, to want to remain silent - these are the four pillars of the temple of Solomon, the micro-and macrocosm, which is built on the sacred science of magic. The main feature that should be inherent in any magician, if he wants to reach the top in this science, to the four elements.

Magical knowledge anyone can make diligent study, and knowledge of the laws of the universe will allow him to gradually (postupenchato) to achieve the highest wisdom.

Desire - an aspect of the will, which can be achieved by perseverance, patience and endurance in the sacred science, namely, in the practical application. Someone who not only wants to satisfy his curiosity, but also takes the ascent to the heights of light seriously, must manifest unbending will to conquer them.

Dare: who is not afraid of no victims, no obstacles, no attention to the opinions of others, but firmly committed to their goals, regardless of the success or failure to meet him on the road to open higher.

Silent: who brags and boasts, who puts his kvazimudrost, never will be a real magician. Magician does not necessarily pass for authority, on the contrary, he does everything to be impenetrable. Silence - sila.Chem longer remain silent about his knowledge, not stand apart from the rest, the more you get from the source.

The one who set out to attain knowledge and wisdom, will do everything in order to acquire four key properties, without which the sacred magic you can not get anything substantial.

This is followed by the third stage of exercise.

(To be continued).