Sunday, October 7, 2012

Why bad Horoshevke?
An old building in a quiet side street in the center of the capital. Inhabitants of the former house, now owned by the academic Institute of Geoecology, live in the old way. Here and say, "Professor Vladimir in such a flat, and Valentin on the floor above, in such that." Rove fat cat. Lacking only the old samovar and soft slippers. But a lot of maps, rare books, and magazines. Scientists, bent over the map, like the generals who had gathered for a council of war to fight.

Finally, after some discussion, filled with obscure outsider terms "command ^ decides to make the first" marshbrosok "in Khoroshevo Mnevniki The map Hazardous the area" extremely dangerous "- painted in bright red. Unsurprisingly. He brought a lot of troubles and trouble to local residents, utilities and builders. Only the 60's, according to estimates of geologists, there were more than forty dips soil. So the Institute of Geoscience are frequent guests ...

Khoroshevskoe highway, 40 meters north of the station "Polezhaevskaya." Leg top 'commander' Doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences Makarova - steps into neatly asphalted area covering the burial place of the building. This five-storey house built in the 50s collapsed in 1969, a few minutes turned into a pile of rubble. "The plan to demolish five-story building began to be carried out already," - Vladimir jokes.

This platform asphalt more often than Moscow road. Because it takes a little time, and the asphalt begins to ridge, and the ground shifted. And it is not only home sank into the ground about Horoshevki. In April 1977, 150 meters from the thermal power station 16 in the formation of the funnel were destroyed two houses, № 3 and № 4 to Novohoroshevskomu's, and the third (№ 5, Block 2) is badly damaged.

- Mystery which is just the Bermuda Triangle ...

- Nothing mysterious here. Just below us at the base of the sedimentary strata at a depth of from fifteen to thirty meters limestone. Over time, they become a cavernous, that is under the influence of ground water in them appear empty. Spotted as voids stratum - one of the causes of failures. Besides, it is an industrial area. Businesses get their water from deep artesian wells. From changing the water table, thickness shrink dewatering occurs. Cavity at a depth of twenty feet, filled with sand to lie above. And at the top, where the sand is gone, and there are just sinkholes.

- And how many such failures and craters in Moscow now?

- Well, it's only God knows ... The exact number is difficult to determine. Once formed a funnel, it poured and cement, and after a while there is a near new. It often happens that on the site of a small dip appears giant sinkhole, that is, small drawdowns are sometimes only the first signs.

Minor failures occur periodically and under the foundations of houses (Khoroshevskoe highway Novohoroshevsky ride), and roadway (street Kuusinen - 1973, Marshal Zhukov avenue - 1996 s), close to the industry. Their depth is 5 of 8 meters, and sometimes more.

In this area there are 16 thermal power station, cold storage facility № 7, used in manufacture of zinc and ammonia. Accidents at these enterprises pose environmental disasters. By the same area is densely populated and is considered prestigious. Nevertheless, it is risky to live here. In fact, it is a dormant volcano ...

- Despite the reasonable concerns of geologists, said Dr. geological and mineralogical sciences Makarov - the construction in the area continued after a few buildings went under ground. Sense to use a dangerous sites solely for parks and green space.

However, in 80 years in the new houses have decided to install protivokarstovuyu protection foundation - a solid concrete slab. It basically removed part of the problem - in May 1987, on the street Tukhachevsky the house number 17 appeared funnel recess ragged diameter of 15 meters and a depth of about two. And the house itself was not damaged.

But it's like half-measures, see Makarov and his comrades. Ideally you should make a full inventory of Moscow's interior. It is only at first glance the house go into the ground by chance. If each housing office in its territory should, where and how the asphalt sags, led statistics even minimal displacement of soil, at least once a year invite a specialist geologist Chronicle accident in Moscow not actively replenished have failed ...

Geoecology call it the culture of land use. And I am convinced that the Muscovites in this sense people are completely ignorant.