Sunday, October 7, 2012

Terry Dean

7 Dangerous misconceptions about online infobiznese

How sad it is to ascertain, but the vast majority of our business across beginners (first or permanently) in the trap temptation to "quick money on the web."

I always wondered - why they buy in the first place is not really a quality infotovary and different "information husk" with blatant obviousness offering them something that actually can not be?

And then it hit me.

Because this is the most promising people infosheluha tale, in which they want to believe. That's all the math. As a result, almost all beginners start with, buy this or that "infotovar", promising to get rich quick ... or a general rush to buy everything that comes their hands and spend a thousand dollars ...

You think I'm kidding or exaggerating?

Not at all. And in my experience, there were people who, before coming to me for help, have spent several thousand dollars (!) On various kinds of "information goods", "business packages" and other "leadership" from which no good can by definition.

Think about it!

People have spent tens of thousands of dollars and a lot of time and still have not earned a penny!

The saddest thing in this situation is the fact that the vast majority of these people, scalded with fraud and "pro" spanking whip up a "business packages" (on the theme of what do absolutely nothing to make sense), and not understand what actually happened to them and why it happened that way. They are, after all this imbued confidence in the fact that the whole business online is nothing like one big scam, and that an honest man has nothing to do there.

After everything they've been through, they can in principle be understood.

But on the other hand, there are many ways to blame themselves - all we have are big enough and adults to stop believing in fairy tales and start to follow common wisdom.

If you include your own little brain, then falling into the trap of crooks (at least on that amount!) Can be avoided ...

But in any case - it should not be. In fact, there are quite a number of ways to make your honest business online successful and profitable. Believe it or not, but I'm telling the truth. The only thing you need for this at the beginning - it is open to new ideas and knowledge, but adjusted for common sense and a healthy caution.

Simply put, you should start with a correct perception of what is happening in the arena of online infobiznesa. You should know that it is possible, and that - no one who deceived you, and who - is telling the truth. In other words, you need to understand what can and should expect, and what should not even contemplate.

And first of all, for this you need to get rid of the most dangerous misconceptions about the online information business, you can be exposed to (and most likely exposed at any given time), and who can destroy all your chances of success even before You will start to do anything.

Seven of these errors I'm going to debunk in this publication.


Well, let's start the process of your insight.

Misunderstanding number 1 - In the web you can start to earn over $ 100,000 or even $ 1 million a day - you just know how. This is perhaps the most popular myth about earnings on the web, provided by many of those who have no conception of what he says.

Alas, oh ... it's - not true.

In the web you can earn $ 100,000 and $ 1 million, and even more, but ... this is not done in one day. In order to earn that kind of money, you need a good plan, a fairly large number of different specialized knowledge and a lot of time spent in hard and intensive work.

Yes ... I said that awful word of six letters - r a b o t a!

Like it or not, but in order to make money online, have to work. You do not see any connection between the root word?

And, of course, if you include their own minds, it is easy to understand: one day the money is not earned.

And if you hear or see that a particular trader earned a hundred thousand or a million dollars in one day - please know that "one day" was preceded by a long preparation and hard work for a long time, which simply remained "behind the scenes".

Misconception number 2 - Earn money online is possible only by a single, well-defined manner. This myth has arisen due to the efforts of many unscrupulous sellers offering everyone fairly expensive information products and claims that in the goods described in the only possible way to make good money in the online business, and that all other schemes and the business model did not work and are false.

The truth is that there are very many different and effective ways to make a good (almost no limit to the amount) money in the vast World Wide Web.

As proof of his words, to mention only a few.

My favorite way to make money online - to sell information products and my service advisor.

If you know how to do something well - you can find online remote work and get paid for its execution the agreed remuneration.

Online auctions (first and foremost, of course, the biggest of them - eBay) provides hundreds of thousands of people the opportunity to make big money on the purchase, and (or) sale of a variety of goods around the world.

Some entrepreneurs simply create different portals with huge attendance and sell on their pages ad space, earning it is not worse than the advertisers from TV.

Many entrepreneurs are engaged in the promotion of products and services from different manufacturers and sellers registered in their affiliate programs and return for a commission.

This list I could go on forever, but, you see, this hardly makes sense. And most importantly, what you need is to understand is that if you try to do in all ways the same time or earnings will jump from one to the other - then, of course, did not get anywhere.

You must choose one or at most - two ways (at least initially), and focus on them all their efforts. If you will work in good faith and will not spray their thoughts and efforts - all you are sure to get.

But too often, beginners start randomly lurch from one opportunity to another, did not really doing, and then begin to lament that "many things tried, but failed,"

Do not fall into this trap.

Misconception number 3 - "This product will tell you everything to succeed in just ..." Another misconception generated sellers prone significantly simplify the situation, engaging in blatant profanity and populism. The essence of these proposals is simple to ugliness: I buy this product for $ 7, $ 10, $ 19.97 (well, and so on) - and you'll learn everything you need to know to achieve a huge success - and nothing else you will not have to learn and anything else you know and do not need to buy!

Um ... Let's be realistic and look at the facts.

In nature there is no product information (regardless of the price range), which would have told you all about the online business, but in such a way that you did not have to learn anything and nothing to learn.

Even if (assume for a moment that this was possible) someone was going to create a similar product - the result would have been such an encyclopedia of what you would spend the next ten years of their lives only to have to scroll through it fluently!

In order to become a successful online entrepreneur, you have to keep learning, always learning, trying and practicing something new. But it does not mean you have to buy all those infotovary that appear on the web every day.

Quite the opposite - I advise all our customers not to buy any new product information as long as they do not work out and will not introduce into practice all that you need to work out and implement those products that they have already purchased.

And personally, I too have long made it a rule not to buy a new book for as long as is not going to read at least two of those who stand in my queue on the bookshelf!

And here's a very good rule: each purchased your informational product should lead to at least one practical action to enhance and improve your business. Moreover, this action must be brought to an end and you have to show your results.

For it is only for the sake of this we buy information goods - to get the bottom line in the form of improving our business and increasing amounts of money earned by us. And not to read for reading - is not it?

Misconception number 4 - All you need to do - is to open a site (eg, a blog), and visitors will be on it for yourself. Do you want to - believe it - no, but the fact that the web has another site, it is not a reason for this online masterpiece immediately pushed the crowd of targeted visitors.

In order to ensure your pages targeted traffic in enough, you have to work on the application of proven and effective techniques and methods of promotion.

"Create a site - and they will come" - quite a beautiful image, but in real life, things are quite different. And, in order that "they have come", have to do some work. Have to spend a certain amount of time and (or) money.

And not succeed the first time.

Create a site is actually simple. But to spin it on a daily basis and do all the necessary marketing work - much harder. But this moment, and separates the successful entrepreneurs from complete losers.

Misconception number 5 - "It's all lies and talk, but in fact no one in the network did not earn." Usually this error trying to spread as widely as possible the people who tried to do something to create and develop their own online business, but have not achieved any success. And the reason for their destruction can be different - someone buys a course in business organization, too complicated for him or no suitable, others are buying a lot of different information products, but absolutely nothing to do in practice.

The reasons can be many, the result is the same - a complete failure (on its own own fault!) And the further claim that the online business - a myth.

However, quite barefoot eyes and read credible sources to understand that this error has nothing to do with the truth. And personally, I, for one, no one will make rush on the entrances and the call to the door, trying to sell them to the inhabitants of the book, or to transport from one city to satellite "dish". Ever since I discovered the magical world of online business - I have no more work.

I have a profit and a life full of meaning.

Hundreds of thousands of other people have also created their own online business, have made it a success and with great pleasure they are doing.

In fact, there are two extreme variations are considered errors:

a) business online is not possible! and -

b) a business online - it is very easy and completely nenapryazhnye thing (we have already said, when going astray number 1).

And you know what?

Truth (as, indeed, always) lies in the middle.

Profitable business online is possible. And you can do it! One thing - you have something to learn and perform the required practical work!

Misconception number 6 - should be at the very beginning of the development of its project to create a huge volume and the price is very expensive product information - then I immediately start earning great! Too many beginners make this mistake, and in most cases it leads to them instantly vanish from the scene.

The worst thing is that, before the creation of this product almost no one is making the necessary efforts to ensure that accurately and reliably determine whether this product in demand, that is to buy? As a result, novices spend months, even years, to create a huge and "solid" product, but when they go to market with this product, it is revealed that in fact nobody needs and absolutely not for sale.

Do you need it?

Instead, must start with a few not so bulky and not-expensive goods - here you will be exposed to a much lower risk, and faster and easier to find out what really interests your target audience. When these small products will steadily sold - you may well sit down to create a large and expensive items and note: if you do this you will already get paid while working on another product!

In addition, there must be taken into account, and one very important point.

Suppose you set yourself for the next month of achieving sales in the amount of $ 10,000. Excellent financial goal! But what will happen if your product portfolio is only one product?

How many copies of it you have to sell to get the correct number?

What if the market will be the products of competitors that will exceed yours?

I will answer this question - you immediately run out of sales and no income.

But you can run a development and a different scenario - let's say that in your product portfolio is not a single product, and ten. Then, in terms of achieving your goals, if any one of the products will not be sold the right pace, some of the rest is sure to become a leader in sales and offset misalignment.

Plus, if competitors decide "fill up" some of your offers, the rest of your goods will remain on the same positions, and you are in the fight with the innovations of competitors still make a profit on their sales, modifying the proposal in the meantime, the demand to which competition was temporarily "knocked down."

So, anyway, and the presence of several information products instead of one in your range will provide maximum benefit to your business and profit. So, as they say, make your own conclusions and follow them.

Misconception number 7 - in order to create your successful online business, you have to plow incredibly long hours in the "Papa Carlo." Yes, you have to work - anywhere from it does not go.

But you do not have to "plow my father Carlo" and spend the whole life.

Understand, "a credit" is not the amount of work done and time spent, and their quality. Quality of work done and the quality of your time costs.

Doubt? Vain.

Judge: 3 hours spent on clear, focused and concentrated work on solving a particular problem in your business will bring in hundreds of times more confusing than spent 10 hours on a daily basis by throwing one opportunity to another, aimlessly wandering the web and stupid rearrangement emails in your email client.

Do you agree?

Also, keep in mind that some of the work you can always delegate salaried employees - both remote (freelancers) and a staff you hire to work personally for you on a full basis. Delegating helps unload your personal schedule and to be able to solve a large number of tasks simultaneously.

Everyone who will prove to you that creating your own business online - the matter of two minutes, requires no work and no investment - blatantly lied to you in the eye. But anyone who claims to be working to create a successful business you have to plow 36 hours a day, 10 days a week until the end of your life - is lying to you threefold.

The truth, as we know, always lies in the middle, and in this particular case there are no exceptions to this rule is not observed.

The main thing - all your work has to be focused and in the process of its implementation on what you should not be distracted. Plan to do its work for several hours a day, but every time you work - work and others do not do anything.

And if you work focused and do not allow anyone or anything to distract yourself - your productivity even surpass your wildest expectations. The same thing will happen to your profit.
