Sunday, October 7, 2012

Franz Bardon
10 stages of initiation
(Excerpt from the Gate of Initiation)
Stage III

Education magic spirit (III)

In the second stage we learn to do the exercises in the concentration of the senses. We studied the concentration of each individual feelings.

At this stage we will expand our ability to concentrate, tuning simultaneously on two or three senses. Let me give a few examples to help learner itself to expand its working area. Clearly imagine a wall clock with a pendulum that oscillates in one direction and then the other. Representation in the imagination must be so perfect, as if hanging on the wall really watch. At the same time, try to perceive their hearing ticking. Try for five minutes to keep this double representation of visual and auditory perception. At first, you will be able to hold this view only for a split second, but the repetition of this exercise you will be able to hold this view better and last longer, "not gods pots."

Repeat the experiment with another similar object, such as a gong, which not only will you hear the beats, but also see the person who hits the gong. Try also to see and hear the splash of a trickle of water.

Imagine a field of rye, swaying in the wind, and also hear the sound of the wind. For a change you can make these yourself popytatsya try and that would involve a combination of two or three senses.

With visual and acoustic representations can be composed and other esperimenty in which, for example, participate sight and touch. Should be revitalized and focused all the senses.

Of particular importance should be attached to sight, hearing and intuition that further advancement in magic plays a very important role. I do not tire of repeating how important all these exercises are to progress in magic. Therefore, we must diligently perform the exercises every day. If you even for five minutes, you can hold the concentration of two or three senses, the exercise is performed.

If during exercise you overcome fatigue, exercise, stop immediately and put them to the other, more favorable, the time when your spirit will be more fresh. In no case do not fall asleep during exercise. By experience, the morning - the most favorable for the Advancement of concentration.

If in the previous exercises you have reached a certain degree of concentration and is therefore able to at least five minutes to take two or three senses, we can move on.

(To be continued).

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