Sunday, October 7, 2012

Louise Hay:

     Any theory is useless as it will not be applied action that will lead to positive change and healing.


     When we are scared, we strive to subordinate everything to their control. Thus we do not allow in your life positive change.

     Trust in life. It has everything we need.

     Inner Strength can implement our fondest dreams. It can give us a lot at once. The only obstacle to this - our inability to be open and accepting gifts of the Universe. If we want something, the Higher Power would never say, "Well, we'll see." She readily listen to your request and will start its execution, but this should be prepared. Otherwise, your request will go to stock unfulfilled desires.

     Many people listen to my lectures, arms crossed over his chest. I look at them and think, "How did they manage to let something in you?"

     How beautiful and symbolic gesture of the wide-open arms.

     With this gesture, we speak of the universe, that we accept it. And your call will not go unanswered.

     Many people are afraid to open up because they are afraid to admit to myself "something nasty." Perhaps the way it will happen is not changed inner spirit, the belief persists that attract only sorrow and death.

     When we speak of prosperity, most people immediately comes to mind is the thought of money. But also refers to the prosperity of many other concepts, such as time, love,. success, comfort, beauty, knowledge, relationships, health, and, of course, money.

     If you are always in a hurry and do not have time, it is because you believe in what you do not have enough time. If you think you will never succeed, your words will come true. When you believe that life is full of hardships and dangers, we are constantly in tension. A if you believe in that, too stupid to understand complex things, that never will gain access to the wisdom of the universe. If you keenly feel the lack of love and discord have relationships with people, you will be really hard to attract love into your life.

     But what about beauty? Beauty - around us. Do you see the beauty and its abundance on Earth, or you all seem ugly and poor? Do you have good health, and you always feel sick? It is easy if you have a cold? How often do you have pain? Finally, we turn to the subject of money. Many people say that they never have enough money. And what resources do you allow yourself to have? You may think that you are entitled to the value of? Who are they defined?

     None of these points is not related to the idea of ​​getting something from someone. People tend to think, "I want this, this and even this." However, the wealth and prosperity - is the result of your ability to make. When you do not get what you want - it means that on some level you do not allow yourself to accept it. If we show the greed and avarice towards life, and she pays us in kind.

     If we are trying to steal from her, then she steals from us.

It's time to evolve
The unique project of our time.
Only together.