Sunday, October 7, 2012

Paul Ferrini

Other dimensions

The plane of your experience - not only in existence. Many of these schools, and the program in each of them its own.

The main subject in your school - equality. You are here in order to understand that all people are equal, regardless of the apparent circumstances. Men and women, black and white, the followers of Hinduism and Catholics are in the very idea of ​​earthly existence.

Any inequality create yourself, and it must be destroyed. Many of you have some time to learn the program. I will not say how long! You show a lot of ingenuity to distort your authentic spiritual equality with others.

Some of you are living in squalid conditions, while others hold a vast fortune. Some have excess food, its other lacks. Please understand that if you have mastered the local course, this inequality does not exist.

So, you are here to overcome the deep-seated belief that some people are more worthy than others. How can this be achieved?

First, you have to admit the truth to yourself about equality. If you feel higher or lower than any other person, then you do not accept the truth about their spiritual essence.

Second, you have to admit the equality of those who surround you. Recognition of equality means that, if you have more than they do, you're ready to share it. And if you have less, it is ready to ask for their help.

You're also here to learn how to respect the right of everyone to decide for themselves. If you decide for others or let him decide for you, you do not admit your mutual equality.

It may seem that the interference of one person in the affairs of another gives you the right to place the responsibility for the decisions that you are accepted or rejected on their neighbor. But it is not.

Over time, you realize that you can hurt and help just one person - himself. As long as you do not learn to take responsibility for their decisions and provide opportunity neighbor to do the same, you do not comprehend the truth about myself and about him.

It's simple, is not it? And yet, the implementation of equality in practice - something fundamental. It can completely change your world and let you complete the course, along with all your brothers and sisters.

When you leave the body, it will continue training in the non-physical classroom. This course will be accelerated, since there is no time or space to modulate the creative power of thought.

In your world, so that the idea became a visible result, it takes time. In the non-physical dimensions of this transformation happens by itself.

For example, one has only to think, "I wish I could visit my friend Bob" - and you will immediately find yourself in his living room. Your way did not take any time, and you did not cross any space.

Some of you have had experience with the creatures in the non-physical dimensions. Of course, this communication is only by thought. Socialize, in different dimensions, although it is difficult, but not impossible. Work-out, you can develop the ability to go beyond its limited spatial and temporal world.

Since the non-physical training classes is faster, many people leaving the body, take possession of the ability to control your thoughts. As a result, they have a confidence that they can go back to your world and show their skills.

But millions of those who are trying to do, only a few manage to demonstrate this skill in the dense physical environment.

This is easy to understand. According to your science, when a person leaves the gravitational field of the Earth, it is virtually weightless and can make athletic feats that the world would be beyond him.

Science also claims that the Earth's atmosphere is dense the aging process is slowed down. Many physical laws operating in the world, changed beyond.

When a person leaves the body, are similar phenomena. He feels creative freedom in the world is it conceivable that in the dream state, when the attention is directed inwards and place in the body processes slow down. State of sleep - a good metaphor for the expansion of consciousness that occurs when the body is left behind.

In dreams you create a new reality at ease. You kill and kill you, you love, whom you desire, overcome incredible danger and miraculously avoiding death.

Few people take risks in reality it's so easy to create in dreams. But experience in the non-physical condition are more exciting than during sleep. Creativity is boundless.


(To be continued)

Unique project
For the good of all mankind.
Look beyond the horizon together.