Sunday, May 3, 2009



We teach the child to focus your mind - focus, because without concentration, it will not be able to cope with life. Life demands it, the mind must be able to concentration. But once the mind was able to concentrate, he has become less conscious, less able to contemplation. Contemplation - it is the conscience of all that is happening.

Concentration - a choice. It eliminates all but the object of concentration. This narrowing. If you go down the street, you should narrow your mind to go. Normally you can not realize what is happening, because, conscious of everything that happens, you rasfokusiruetes. Therefore, the concentration - it is a necessity. Concentration of mind is needed to live, to survive, to exist. That is why every culture in its own way is trying to narrow the mind of a child.

Children themselves have never focused. Their mind is open on all sides. It includes everything, and nothing is excluded. The child is open to every feeling, every sensation is in his consciousness. And is so much! That is why it is so peremenchiv, inconsistent.

Do not mind the child due to a continuous flow, the flow of sensations, but he could not survive with such a mind. He must learn to narrow your mind to concentrate.

Once you narrow your mind, you begin to realize particularly one thing, and stop at the same time be conscious of so much else. The more narrowed the mind, the more successful he is in life. You will become a specialist, will become expert, but it all - the increasing knowledge about all the smaller.

Narrowing - is vital. No one is responsible. This is because life is such as it is. But this is not enough. This - utilitarian need, but simply not enough to survive, simple utilitarian is not enough. So when you become a utilitarian and narrow minds, you deny your mind in many ways, what he is capable. Do not have a holistic mind. You use only a very small part of it. A majority of the remainder will become unconscious.

In fact, there is no borders between the conscious and unconscious. This is not two different mind. "Conscious mind" - this is part of the mind, which was used in the process of narrowing. "Unconscious mind" - this is a part of it, which neglected to ignore, which was closed. This creates a division, a crack. Most of your mind becomes alien to you. You are alienated from themselves, become alien to your own integrity.

Small part of yourself you will recognize yourself, and everything else is lost. But the remaining part unconsciously always present as untapped opportunities as uncommitted capacity neperezhitye adventure. This unconscious mind of (potential) will always struggle with the conscious mind. That is why the inside is always a conflict. The conflict in each because of the rift between consciousness and unconsciousness. But only when the potential, unconscious is allowed to flourish, you can feel the bliss of life ... not otherwise.

If much of your ability will remain unfulfilled, life will be disappointed. That is why more than utilitaren people, the less he revealed, the less pleasure in his life. The more you come to things in terms of their usefulness, the more you are immersed in business life, the less you are alive. You denied on the part of the mind, which can not be used in a utilitarian world.

Utilitarian life is necessary, but its price is very high. You lost the festivity of life. When all of your abilities reached flowering, your life becomes a holiday celebration. Then life becomes a ceremony. That is why I always say that religion transforms life into the celebration. The measurement of religion - it is the measurement of festivity, neutilitarnosti.

You can not take the practical mind of the whole. Remaining ... most of the ... holistic mind ... should not be sacrificed. Utilitarian mind should not be a conclusion. It should continue, but as a tool. Other - remains more potential - must be the conclusion. Here is what I understand, under the religious approach.

When all non-religious approach the end of the business (utilitarian) mind. When he becomes a conclusion, unconscious does not realize their potential. It will be rejected. If all the end-value utility, meaning that the servant is the master.

Mind - the narrowing of the mind - it is a tool for survival. Survival - it is not life. Survival - it is necessary: it is necessary to exist in the material world. But the conclusion - it always comes the potential for flowering, the disclosure of all that is you. If you are fully realized, if not left anything inside a seed, if everything is valid, if you bloom, then and only then you can feel the bliss, the ecstasy of life.

Rejected a part of you, unconscious part, can become active and creative only when you add to your life a new dimension - dimension of festivity, the measurement of the game. Therefore, meditation - it does not work, this is a game. Prayer - it does not matter, this game. Meditation - is not something that you'd like to achieve some goals (peace, bliss), but something as enjoyable as complete in itself, is not pursuing other goals.

Measurement of festivity - it is the most important thing to understand, and we completely lost it. Under the festivity, I understand the ability to enjoy a moment in the twinkling of all that comes to you.

We are starting convention, and our habits have become so mechanical that even when there is no case, our minds are busily. When the restriction has no need, you are reduced. Even when you play, you play, you do not enjoy the game. Even playing cards, you will not enjoy it. You play to win, so the game becomes a job. So important is not what happens, but outcome.

As a result of the business life is important. In celebration of important effects. If you can make any significant effect in itself, then you can become a festive and celebrate this operation.

And as soon as you have to celebrate, limit, reduce border, destroyed. They are not needed, they are dropped. You dropped a straitjacket, constricting clothing concentrations. Now you do not choose. Everything that happens, you allow to come. And as soon as you are allowed to enter holistic existence, you become one with him. There soprichastie.

This soprichastie I call meditation: it is the celebration of this contemplation, without choice, this unbusinesslike approach to life. Festivity is at this moment, in this action. Not worrying about results, not to achieve something. There is nothing that should be achieved, so you can enjoy what is here and now.

You can explain it this way: I speak with you. If I care about the results, then the conversation becomes a business, it becomes work. But if I say to you, not wishing anything, without any desire result, then the conversation becomes a game. Step concluded against itself. Then the contraction is not required. I could quibble, I can play ideas. I can play your question, I can play my answer. Then it was not serious, then I do it with a light heart.

And if you listen to me without thinking that this is something to get, then you can be relaxed. Then you can let me be involved in you and your conscience will not be narrowed. Then it is open: is playing and enjoying.

Every moment can be business-like, every moment can be meditative. The difference - with respect. If you do not choose when to play with him, then this instant meditative.

There are social needs, and there is need of you want to perform. I can not tell you: "Do not encourage children conditionalities." If you do not privete them quite conditionalities, they are barbarians. They can not exist. Survival demands of conditionality, but the survival of all does not end, so you should be able to put on and remove its conditionality - as precisely as clothes. Then you eat.

If you do not identify themselves with their clothes (their conditionality), if, for example, do not say: "I have my mind" - is not difficult. Then you can easily change. But you identify with the convention, you say: "My conditionality, I have" - but that is not your conditionality is denied. You think:

"All that conditionality is not - this is not me, unconscious - it is not me. I am - this is a deliberate, focused mind."

This identification is dangerous. It should not be. Genuine education - it is something that does not impart to conditions, and provides them with a condition "that the convention - it is utilitarian necessity that you should be able to put on and remove them. When they need you, you put them, and when you do not need, you can withdraw. Until education becomes possible to human beings, they do not identify with the convention, human beings will not be quite human. They are robots, due narrowed.

To understand this - is to understand that part of the mind, most of which refused to sunlight. And to understand it - then realize that you do not have a conscious mind. Conscious mind - it is only a part. "I" is both, but mostly not attributable. But it was always here ... in anticipation.

I define meditation as simply an attempt to jump into unconsciousness. You can not jump on the basis of the calculation, because all calculations are made conscious mind and conscience will never allow this. It warns: "You come down from the mind, do not do that."

Conscious mind is always afraid of the unconscious, because if you go unconscious to the surface, all that is in the mind clear and calm, to be estimated. All will be dark ... as in the forest.

This is similar to that here: you broke the kindergarten and obnesli his fence. You cleared a little land, but you have planted flowers, and all was well: an orderly, clean. However, there remains a forest around. Forest neposlushen, nepodkontrolen and garden in constant fear: at any moment may penetrate into the wood, and then the garden will disappear.

Similarly, you cultivated part of the mind. You did everything clear. But always around the unconscious and conscious mind is always in fear because of this. Conscious mind says: "Do not go unconscious. Do not look at him, I do not think about it."

The way the unconscious darkness and unknown. For the reason, it seems irrational to the logic of it seems illogical. So, if you think you enter into meditation, you will never enter into it, because I think part of the mind will not let you do so.

This becomes a dilemma. You can do nothing without dumaniya, but dumaniem you can not enter into meditation. What should I do? Even if you're thinking: "I do not think" - is also dumanie. This thinking of the mind says: "I do not tolerate dumaniya.

Can not meditation through thinking. This dilemma - the greatest dilemma. Each switch comes to this dilemma. Somewhere, once he is sure to meet her. Those who know say: "Jump, I do not think!" But you can not do anything without thinking. That is why the funds were invented unnecessary - unnecessary tools, I say, because if you jump without thinking, you do not need any funding. But you can not jump without thinking, so may require special tools.

You can think about this tool. Rassudochnomu your mind can become clear on the vehicle, but not on the cards. Meditation will leap into the unknown. You can work with this tool is only necessary to ensure that your mind has been trained, the other needs it does not.

Jumping, you say: "The product was not necessary, it does not need." But this retrospective knowledge. Later you learn that the facility was not necessary (that Krishnamurti said:

"There is no means, no method." Teachers Zen saying: "There is no effort, this happens without effort, but it is absurd to those who have not crossed the border. And talking mostly to those who have not yet crossed.

That is why I say that means an artificially. This is just a trick to calm down your rational mind and that you might push into the unknown.

Osho Meditation TECHNOLOGY.

Just relax and breathe.

When would you not find the time for a few minutes, relax the respiratory system and nothing else-no need to relax the whole body. Sitting in the grass, tram, plane, or in the car - no one will understand that you are somehow involved. Just relax the respiratory system. Let it functions naturally.

Then close your eyes and follow the breath and exhale. Do not concentrate. If you kontsentriruetes, you are creating difficulties. If you are trying to concentrate while sitting in the car, then become an irritant and the noise of the engine, and a man sitting behind the wheel or the next.

Meditation is not concentration. This - just awareness. You simply relax and watch the breath. In the observation nothing is excluded. Motor urchit - well, take it. Traffic noise - well, this is part of life. The neighbor next snuffle - accept it. Nothing is denied.