Monday, June 1, 2009

Osho Bhagwan Shri Radzhnish - "Intuition: Knowing beyond logic."

Osho Bhagwan Shri Radzhnish - "Intuition: Knowing beyond logic."

Only with the help of intuitive person can comprehend the difference between intelligence, logical thinking and a more comprehensive domain of spirit. Logic - this is the way the mind knows reality, intuition - that is experiencing the reality of the spirit of the experience. Osho Talks on these subjects is extremely expressive, sometimes funny, and - quite exciting.

We all have a natural ability to intuition, but socially determined and formal education are often working against it. We are taught to ignore their own instincts rather than to understand and use them as a basis for personal growth and development. And in the process, we undermined the very roots of their innate wisdom, which is in bloom, it was intuition.

These excerpts from interviews Osho, in which he said that this is exactly the intuition, and explains how to learn to recognize it in others and in yourself. We can learn to distinguish between genuine intuitive insight and vydavaniem wishful thinking ", which can easily lead to wrong decisions and undesirable consequences. The book also includes several specific exercises and meditations of Osho, created to nurture and support each of our individual, natural intuitive gifts.


Intuition can not be scientifically explained, because this is very unscientific and irrational. The very phenomenon of intuition is irrational. In terms of language will seem natural to ask: "How do I explain the intuition?" But what does it mean: "Is it possible to reduce the level of intuition to the intellect?" And the intuition - it is something beyond the intellect, something not belonging to the intelligence, something coming from a place about which the intellect knows nothing. Therefore, intelligence can feel it, but can not explain.

Jump intuition can be felt, because it leaves the interval. Intuition, you can feel the intellect: it can be noticed that something happened - but it is impossible to explain, because it is required to explain the causal relationship. The explanation involves the answers to questions where intuition comes, what and why. And it comes from somewhere outside, not from the intellect - and no intellectual reason. No cause, no context, intuition is not a continuation of the intellect.

Intuition - it is an area of the incident was not related to the intellect, though able to penetrate into the intelligence. We need to understand that the ultimate reality can penetrate into the lower, but the lowest can not penetrate the top. Thus, intuition can penetrate into the intelligence, as it earlier, but the intellect can not penetrate into the intuition, as it is below.

Similarly, your mind can penetrate into the body, but the body is unable to penetrate the mind. Your creature can penetrate the brain, but the mind can not penetrate into the substance. That is why, if you dvizheshsya in essence, you have to detach from the body and mind. Neither one nor the second is unable to penetrate the higher occurrence.

If you dvizheshsya to the highest reality, the lower worlds of the incident should be dropped. In the lowest no explanation for higher, because there exists no explanation of the terms, they are meaningless. But intelligence can feel the gap, can learn about the interval. He may feel: "Something happened out of me." Having at least it has made a lot of intelligence.

But intelligence can deny what happened. That is what is meant by "faith" * or "disbelief".

* Faith (English) - Here and further notes the translator.

If you feel that the fact that you can not explain do not exist, you "infidel". Then you will continue to live in this existence of the lowest intellect chained to it. Then you do not admit a secret, then you are not allowed to speak with an intuition.

Here's what the rationalist. Rationalist not even see that it is something of extraordinary. Having received a traditional education, you're not going to let a higher, you will deny it, you say: "That can not be. Perhaps it's my imagination, perhaps I dreamed it. I do not take as long as I can not rationally prove." Rational mind is closed, confined within the boundaries of the cause-effect, which can not enter intuition.

But intelligence can be used, not by becoming closed. Then you can use as a tool of intelligence, but remain open. You are sensitive to higher: If something comes, you are susceptible. Then you can use the intellect as a means of support. He observed: "Something happened outside of me." It may help to understand this period.

In addition, intelligence can be used to express - not to explain, for the expression. Buddha did not explain. " He was not explained. All Upanishady expressive without explanation. They say: "So and so, that's what happens. If you want to include. Do not stand outside, outside, no explanation is impossible. Come - Go inside."

But even going to see inside, you do not get any explanation, you know and feel. Intellect can try to understand, but this attempt is doomed to defeat. University can not be relegated to the lowest.

Intuition travels without a conductor - which is why it is jumping, that's why this leap. This jump from one point to another, without any relationship between them. If you are promoted gradually, it does not jump. Leap happens only if you are promoted without any transitional steps. A real leap beyond. It means that something exists initially at point A, then at point B, and between them there is no existence. This is - this jump.

Intuition, it is a leap - not something that you are doing step by step. This is something that happens to you, something coming to you - that happens to you without any reason, without any source anywhere. This is a sudden accident and have intuition. If it had not been suddenly and completely cut off from what happened before, logical thinking has found its path. It would take some time, but it would be possible. Logical thinking would it know to understand and control. Then, at any time, could develop a tool similar to a TV or radio, which is perceived to intuitive signals.

If intuition came through the beams, or waves, we could perceive it tool. But no instrument can not capture intuition, because it is not a wave phenomenon. This is not a phenomenon, it's just a jump from nonexistence to existence.

Intuition simply means that the jump - which is why it denies reason. Reason it denies, not being able to face it. Reason may be encountered only with those phenomena that can be divided into the cause and consequence.

Mind sees two areas of existence: to understand and unknown. Unknown is what still not known, but one will. But mysticism says that there are three areas: know, unknown and unknowable. Under the unknowable mystic means that can not be cognized ever.

Intelligence is known and unknown, but unknowable. And intuition is working with the unknowable, so that it can not be cognized. It is not in the time required for learning - it has the quality nepoznavaemosti. Not because your tools is not enough sensitive, and your logic flawed, or your math primitive - are not in it. Quality nepoznavaemosti inherent characteristic unknowable, it will always exist as unknowable.

This is an area of intuition.

When something comes from the unknowable in the know, this is a leap - there is no connection, no conversion, no moving from one point to another. But it seems inconceivable, therefore, when I say that you can feel but can not understand ... - When I say such things, I perfectly know that talking nonsense (Nonsense). "Nonsense" simply means something that our senses (Senses) can not understand. A mind - one of the senses, and very thin.

Intuition is possible, because there are unknowable. Science denies the existence of God, because science says: "There are only two units: know and unknown. If there is a God, we open it by using laboratory techniques. If it exists, science would open it."

Mysticism, on the other hand, said: "What would you do, something in the very basis of existence will always remain unknowable - the secret." And if the mystics are wrong, then I think that science will destroy the very meaning of life. If there are no secrets, destroyed the whole meaning of life and all its beauty.

Unknowable - the beauty, meaning, intention, purpose. Thanks unknowable in the life of something to eat. If all know, everything is flat. You are bored, you are bored.

Unknowable - so secret, it is life itself.

I will say this: mind - this is an attempt to learn the unknown, and intuition - the accident unknowable. May penetrate into the unknowable, but it is impossible to explain.
Perhaps the feeling is not the explanation. The more you try to explain, much less become closed, so do not try. * Let the mind works in the area of causality, but always remember that there are deeper areas of ... A more profound reason, * * which causality not understand ... Top reasons beyond the comprehension of causality *.

* The game of words, based on the different meanings of the word reason.

Reason was an attempt to learn the unknown,
And intuition - occurred in the world unknowable.
In the unknowable is reached, but it is impossible to explain.
Perhaps the feeling, but no explanation.

(To be continued)