Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Listen whisper ....

Listen whisper.

1. Think about the situation, event, or a physical sensation that you were in the past few days. Record the experienced, if it was a dream. Push the small details and find the main theme. Then ask yourself, why would you put that experience. Was it a reflection of your inner world, your thoughts, beliefs, desires, emotions, fears, or expectations of the election? Was it an indication of your Higher I? Or was it a chance to develop certain qualities, such as unlimited love, forgiveness, inner peace, love for yourself, honesty, strength, courage, wisdom or creativity? Or - all of these?

2. In the coming weeks and months ahead, ask yourself as often as can remember: «Why should I create it? This reflection, direction or opportunity? »

World - a reflection of sleep. We mistakenly take it for reality, because we are so linked that lost in the illusion, so absorbed by drama, forget that: We have chosen to be here, we are voluntary members of the stage productions. We are - create a reality and all «somewhere where» is the value and meaning. Reality - this is simply a mechanism of feedback, which shows us our inner world. Allegedly Upanishady (the philosophical works of ancient India): «What is in us, is also on the outside. What is outside is also in us ». The outside world - this is not fixed dense reality, but a symbol, a means of communication, the map to find our unity.

If we want to know what we think about ourselves, we need only ask what we think about others. Buddhism teaches us to love enemies, as they help us grow. We invited them into our lives as teachers. Learning, something we do not love others, we see our reflection in the mirror aspect of ourselves that we need, but to love and accept, as a result, we win and move toward self-love for yourself. The more we love ourselves, the more we are looking for loving, caring, charming people into our reality. As set out «A Course In Miracles»: «If you meet someone, remember: this is a sacred encounter. Met him, you met yourself ... »

Global events similarly serve as a mirror of internal peace. Each news, all the world's problems, which we invite into our minds - from homelessness to AIDS - has a message, and not just messages about the changes in the global knowledge and the need for global healing, but also a unique personal message. Two people can listen to the same news, but one «heard», that the world is full of conflict and hatred, and another to hear the multitude of attempts to move toward a world of love, peace and harmony. For some, the fall of the Berlin Wall, it was frightening sign of what we «weaken our defense», but for others it was a joyous, celebratory symbol of healing of our fragmented, restoring our lost unity.

If you listen to the message of terrorists and football attacked by vandals, it said that this «whisper» for you? What do you hold back your aggressive impulses? The fact that you like to imagine that you are better than others, which the judge and condemn? What you are afraid of themselves? «Yes, but it is something that happens in the outside world. I do not have any relation to this! »But you decided to include news, or hear them from one another, so you decided to have some thoughts in response to the news. What do you know you are attracted to the fact that it helped to learn and grow.

To change the world, you need to change the thought. You must consciously realize that what is true to himself in every minute of the day, because this is the reality that you proetsiruete itself.
