How do you see the world? What do you think the world in which we live? Do you see a world full of greed, cruelty and hatred? Or the chaos and disorder? Or the world, full of love, hope and goodwill? What do you see the most serious problems that society or the planet is found at this time? When the write down your impressions of the world, explore how they can reflect your vision of yourself and the challenges that you meet your personal and spiritual growth.
How many of you who are hearing, but did not notice the whisper of a ... Scent lures you into the future with whomever you think you have come to love. When you follow this voice, you will find the doors open everywhere.
Because we have a huge number of possible future open to us, we need some form of internal management, otherwise we can not choose anything. This guidance often comes in the form of pulses to do one or the other, write a friend, read a book, pomeditirovat, go to a meeting, buy flowers, to enroll in evening classes. This inner "whisper" all creators, since coming out of our internal "I", encouraging us to develop our capabilities, expand our awareness, to live happily ever after.
Unfortunately, we have not learned to trust the impulses. Our culture has convinced to rely on intelligence and logic when making decisions, rather than on intuitive insight. It is assumed that we must first think and then act to control themselves and not be impulsive. But looking at the unconscious as a wild animal that you want to tame, we are cutting off our most valuable source of personal wisdom. And as a result of pulses may be hampered for so long, that in the end, when they tried to escape outside, they are destructive.
Ignored our impulses, we will not only accumulate in trouble for himself, but also spreading our forces, our ability to act. Reliance pulses can be many unexpected pleasures.
Shortly before moving to London I spent several days visiting the ancient and mystical places in Kornuele. One evening I sat on the rocks at Land End, watching the sunset over the ocean sunny when I felt a sudden motivation to find a stone circle, which was read that day. I was very uncertain presentation, where he was, but, nevertheless, went there. Drive a few miles in the dying light of evening, I noticed a road sign denoting any path, and somehow knew that this is the right direction.
The path led into the field, and I started walking faster and faster, as if I hurry invisible force. Nowhere is there was no sign of the stone circle, and I started to think, do not get lost there, and suddenly I "felt drawn" with such force that I had to flee. I go into the valley, crossed another field, moving faster and faster, and then began to climb through the thickets. The dark path Manila me through the trees. I stopped to rest, and went further into the darkness. After some time a bright light zablestel ahead, and I was on the glade. Kind, who welcomed me was unforgettable.
I was standing at the edge of the circle of stone blocks set vertically, each up to ten feet, with a massive central stone, tilting a dangerous angle. The presence of stones was quite tangible inspire tremulous fear, and I somehow felt that "they" have given me permission to visit here. A light mist hanging in the center, the light in the evening light. For stones in the west, sunset was at its brightest point, okrashivaya Alymov sky, pink, orange, purple. The mist that covers the landscape has shifted to the sea. The scene was such magic, such a staggering that seemed completely unrealistic, and I momentarily thought that I sleep. Then I silently saluted gratitude. Two minutes sunset weakened, the fog does not light, and darkness quickly pile. I understood why I was rushed.
Sailing with the tide.
At least for a few days, allow yourself to be more impulsive. If you have sudden motivation to do something, yet it does not harm you or another, do it! Do it right now, even if it interrupts other activities.
Start listening to subtle thoughts and feelings, slight movement of energy, which comes from your internal me. Try to live in the moment and not plan a day ahead. Go to where the energy is, in any and every situation. Do what you think right. Follow your sense of joy and inspiration. When you "swims with the tide", then the problem solved quickly and without effort. Rely on the fact that you have a better "I", which can cope better than "you", and see what happens.
Listening nature.
The next time you're on the air (maybe in the woods, on the meadow, in the marshy areas in the valley, on top of a cliff or on the beach), let your mind become very quiet and silent. Feel that you are not alone. All around is mind: trees, hills, grass, birds, sky, and all consciousness is interconnected.
I now focus on what attracted you think: maybe a tree, mountain, flower, brook, or a rock. Greeted and ask you to send him the energy to talk to you. Patiently wait for the sound or feeling response. Feel your connectedness. If you are fond of music, you can hear sounds or motifs. If there are more to the painting, you can see spots of light or color. If you are closer to literature or verbal communication, you can hear the words. Be open to everything that comes.
(How to trick may sound, it is a good way to learn to adjust to the subtle energy that we normally do not notice.)