Monday, June 8, 2009

Modification of a REPEAT of conduct or ways to respond to the situation.

1. Find a situation where you find your way to little effective response. Create a memory of a specific event, which is associated with the occurrence of undesirable behavior. In this procedure, we have to deal with repetitive behavior, and hence the specific events that cause this behavior can be many. Create an image of time as would be postponed.

2. Find a situation where you are effective and the results, and on emerging experiences. Create an image-memory of this event. Substantially the situation a second step could be something similar to what we have in the first step.

3. Compare options first and second images. Find the difference.

4. Play back the image of the first step. Change its settings so that it became similar to the image of the second step.

5. Repeat the procedure for the fourth step, three or five times. The procedure for the fourth step is very fast for one more half-second.

6. Test. Play back the image of the first step and see what happens with him. The volatility of the image shows the impact of the change. Typically, the image changes immediately, and are becoming of its parameters is similar to the image of the second step.

7. Accession to the future. Changes in repetitive behavior is intended to be effective in any situation. This situation not only applies to the last man, but he did not meet again in the future. It is in the future life of people decided to become effective. The next step of procedure is to find in the near future, a situation similar to that with which you have dealt in the first step. Because we work with repetitive behaviors. Produce a image of a particular event in the future. Usually, this image of its parameters accordingly from the first step. If so, then you go to the next step.

8. change the parameters of the image of the seventh step, so that it became similar to the image of the second step. It is important to note that the images of the future have some systematic difference in their parameters from the images of past and present. For example, images of the future may be all shifted to the right side on the median line of the human body. In implementing the changes the eighth step, these differences persist. Changes only those parameters that you find different in the third step of the procedure.

9. The procedure for changing the eighth step is repeated three, four or five times. At this point, you will train your psyche to make this change yourself.

10. Test. Play back the image of the seventh step. Usually, it is stable, and immediately changed, becoming similar in their parameters to the model of the second step. Better check - it is the real situation in your life. Entering into it, you actually make sure the impact of the change.