Monday, June 8, 2009

Motivation to and from.

Motivation to and from.

If you work with people, sooner or later you will come to such a question, the motivation. One of the models of NLP, describes a direct motivation is metaprogramma motivation.

Metaprogrammy this program, behind (or above) the algorithms of human behavior, and organize the general pattern of all his behavior. Set metaprogramm (metaprogrammny profile) creates what is called human nature, that is his individual conduct. Given that the human psyche is a "mosaic" character traits inherited from the father, mother, etc., more efficiently focus on these traits than the general psihotip man who almost never "pure." And remember that in different life contexts appear raznyche features of human nature.

So, there is a metaprogramma - motivation. In a simplified version of it can be presented as "the achievement motivation and avoidance motivation." At the professional jargon, it is called the motivation "to" and the motivation "of" or "carrot in front and rear of carrots."

You can easily determine what motivated you more peculiar in any action, just ask yourself, why did I do? Ask yourself: "why I am working at this job?" The answers may be very different, but they can be divided into two types, similar responses: "to make money" and "not to remain without money." The first response shows achievement, and the second - avoidance. So how will read your answer and show your motivation strategy in this context. Another strategy for you would be less effective or not effective at all. In other contexts (recreation, education, shopping, etc.) may all be quite the opposite. Test them on the same question to a specific action within the context, and you specify your favorite strategy of motivation in general in life.

There is no good or bad motivation strategy, it's just individual personality traits. Knowing them for yourself, you can use this to motivate themselves and plan in accordance with its strategy, motivations. Knowing the strategy of motivating your employees or your customers, you can use it in management and sales. And in any manipulation by any other person.

See (or rather, listen to how a person constructs his speech: "Let us discuss this by phone, then it will be faster" or "Let's discuss this over the phone, you do not want to waste time." To which he directed: to achieve, or avoidance? Noticing that (as they say NLPery: "calibrated metaprogrammu"), you can construct your sentences for his motivation, turning them into "the language of his brain." "During the same time, when we decide to meet a lot more questions", or "By telephone, we will not be able to discuss important and it will be just a waste of time. "All you need do is to repeat the form.

No, you do not give assurances that the phrase, which was built in accordance with its rights metaprogrammoy motivation immediately zamotiviruet - it just depends on what you motivate him - from the content of the motive. But I can guarantee you that even a very good motive, which was built in extrinsic man metaprogramme number of times less likely.
So you can learn how to use these skills and convince the people faster and easier, and can not learn, and run after people, relying on the case.
(Test question: what in the last predlozhienii was the motivation?)

Good motivation!