Evolutionary continued "magic wand" - Technology "meta-system level."
There is a call - there is a response.
Technology "order desire collective unconscious" was designed by me for almost a year. Now she has found some complete form, which can already be used, but which, nevertheless, would be improved infinitely. Information about updates will appear directly on that page.
The main feature of this technology, distinguishes it from other techniques "samodostigayuschihsya setting goals and desires of orders, is to create a feedback loop with the unconscious of a larger scale (collective unconscious). Simply put, we not only create mysleformu our desire and released it, it would be only arc loops, but its implementation will start from the collective unconscious. Closed loop feedback, we, of course, metaphorically, to cover all possible realization desire.
Because use of the technology concepts such as interaction with the unconscious, the feedback loop, and multiple description, it can be safely attributed to the New Code NLP and systemic thinking. Let us do the same. So ...
Technology of the New Code NLP - Fuzzy
Technology "Magic Wand" is recommended only for serious desires, which you really want all their substance. Incongruence desire (a contradiction within you), most likely, simply does not pass all the stages of technology - this is the mechanism of environmental protection. But remember, you need the hidden desire to remain loyal to the end, because its implementation requires time, and if you perehotite it when it already is halfway to you, its implementation will have no value. So, attributed to the desire choice responsibly.
Step 1. Specification desire on the rules of good outputs.
A criterion to verify that the desire specified correctly - whether the desire to be understood whether or not enforced in the form of unwanted?
1. Formulate a desire in the form of an affirmative result.
A positive result, answers a question that you want instead of what you do not want to. In other words, it sounds without denial or avoidance.
For example:
- I do not get sick - it is the wrong wording, it did not.
- I want to be healthy - this is the correct wording, it sounds positively.
- I do not want to be poor - this is the wrong wording in its avoidance.
- I want to be rich - this is the correct wording, it sounds positively.
2. Describe the desired outcome of sensory.
That is, as you will understand that the desired result is achieved? What you will see, hear and feel?
For example:
- I want to make big money - this is not sensory.
- I want to make two, two and a half million euro and get them into my bank account - this is sensory.
3. Define the context in which you want to have the desired result.
That is where, when, with whom and under what conditions you want to get this result? Identify situations and conditions under which it is appropriate for you.
For example:
- I want to have a lot of love and good sex with a woman that I love, when we are alone, when we have time, and when I want this.
4. Define the objective goal.
Answer the question: why would you need to reach this goal?
After receiving the response, if necessary, adjust the goal. Corrected objective check on all items well-defined outcome.
When the desired outcome clearly articulated clearly and precisely defined the context of its implementation, you can move on to the next stage.
Step 2. Checking environment effects the desired result.
1. Imagine yourself reaching the desired result. As you look from side?
2. Just next to each other, reached the result of other people: those who associated with this result, those who are indirectly involved, those who know you, your friends and other people whose images you will come to mind. Pay attention to how you interact with them there, one of those people you seek, and who is the other way around.
3. How would you rate this vision (presenting) the interaction you and these people whole?
Answer yourself honestly, whether you like it? If not, reformulated the desired result, and perform again in all the previous stages.
Step 3. Filling the energy of desire.
Associate in its desire (ie, provide a first-person that he or she has already done), and experiencing how cool it is! Notice what you see is what you hear, and especially what you feel. What better you will feel the emotions derived from the realization of this desire, the more energy you bring to it.
Criteria: if after 4 minutes of this full and intense emotions of your desire, you still want it, then it has to be realized.
Step 4. Communication with the collective unconscious.
1. Take in the visual posture (back sit back and armchair, his hands on the back or on top, look aims above the eye).
2. Imagine the image (or any other representation: the sound, a feeling, a symbol of something else), the collective unconscious of all mankind or superior intelligence. Try to embrace it as much as possible the number of representations, and as fully as possible, but do not fold - simply take what comes itself.
3. Let your desire collective unconscious - give him an image (character, feeling, or sound) of your desire. Make sure that your desire was taken (image, symbol, or a sense of sound has passed from you to the collective unconscious).
If it had not been received, further refine the desire, after it once again through the previous stages.
4. Is associated with the collective unconscious (or the supreme intelligence, depending on what you submitted in step 2). Imagine that you are it / they - as you could feel it. Do this for so long as you get.
5. Being associated with the collective unconscious (or the higher mind), try to imagine the image of himself (as a person), to inform you my desire. Received a request to that desire. Look at what's inside you (as колективного unconscious mind, or higher) should happen to this desire fulfilled. Tell me (as a person) that he (you, as a person) will need to do or take to the realization of desires.
6. Return to the minute in the body and rate of its own position (you as the person who you are), whether you do or take what you said the collective unconscious (or higher mind). Are you or not?
* If not, go back to the first stage, reformulated the desire to spend it again through all the stages. (You may nuzho simply a desire to simplify or modify any conditions.)
* If yes, then go back to assotsiiatsiyu with the collective unconscious (or the higher mind) and follow the next step.
7. Being associated with the collective unconscious (or the higher mind), just imagine how that desire inside you sold to this person (you). Most likely, this will be expressed very uncertain, in the form of metaphor, symbol, sound or feel. Let the realization of how desires itself to happen inside you, whether you understand them or not.
8. When you feel that the desire within you to make, and this person (you) got what they wanted, go back to your body. Because your body (perception of their position) to thank the collective unconscious (or higher mind) and make sure that your gratitude was received.
Step 4. Taking off the desire.
Once you have completed all the steps above, the desire to release (about the same as you press Enter, run), allow yourself to forget about it and go beyond their own affairs, or something, what you want.
That's all. Once you have clicked on Enter "- let the desire, the execution of the program started. How much this will take time - it is not known, each case is individual. Stop it now (if you suddenly need to be) could be another such program. But why?
Resort to this technique can be as often as you want (with different desires, of course), it will only benefit.