Thursday, June 4, 2009

What is hypnosis.

What is hypnosis.

... it is only hypnosis, but hypnosis does not exist
Richard Bendler, the founder of NLP

Most of the most famous classical hypnosis. It is associated with us since the overwhelming will look hypnotist, powerful voice, which gives a rigid direct suggestion: "to the three you usnete, and some people actually fall asleep. Those who are not asleep, traditionally referred to as "30% negipnabelnyh.
The direct subordination of the will, it is certainly an extreme case of classical hypnosis, which in its pure form is rare but nevertheless possible. It is simply unnecessarily difficult. Most classical hypnotist enters into trance and suggestion through the conduct of something else, like a pendulum, zabaltyvaniya or any other kind of diversion or disposal of conscious attention.

How does hypnosis.

Any hypnosis, in essence, very similar to pop tricks - hypnotist distracts (or utilizes), attention, and at this moment, doing what he needs. Trans in hypnosis, in principle, and need just for the recycling of attention, its deceleration and, consequently, reduce the critical assessment of the situation. And when people stop to think "maybe there is?", It becomes possible to all hypnotic phenomena such as levitation arm or body catalepsy. (Levitation hand when the hand is "in itself", regardless of the will of man, rises and hangs in the air, catalepsy and body, so when a person is incredibly long, straight bridge between two stools, with the only Backset heels).

The point is that all hypnotic phenomena, including catalepsy, are the natural abilities of the human body. Just in the normal state of mind of people questioned: "no, I fall" - and his doubt over the body sends the command "drop" port of the whole raspberries. But another thing, when the conscious mind is sent into the rest yourself, and remember something pleasant, and provide installation of an unconscious sense at this point, as the body gradually solidifies into a solid monolith, as if it is concrete block with reinforcing the foundation, strong as steel and direct as a rail, in which time stops and stops ... And the unconscious conscious does not interfere with use of the human body in an unusual mode.

Try to conduct a small experiment to get your own experience and feel how it works.

Stand on one leg, close your eyes and try for 15 seconds of what you are good, flexible timber, which swings the strong gusts of wind ... And then delete all of this, and the same 15 seconds Imagine that you have a mountain, or an Egyptian pyramid, once Ingrown to the land of his great stone ground and frozen in time ...
When your body is swinging more?
Why, because you have not made any deliberate physical movements, the only thought?

It's that simple. Our body and mind are connected through a mechanism ideodinamiki. With the help of our body carries out the command of our consciousness: raises his hand, moves his fingers, walks, speaks, drives a car ... From birth we are trained to these commands from the simple to the complex, and trained derive mastered motor traffic at the level of automaticity. Privyknuv do them automatically, over time we forget how we were doing.

But if we take something new for us to act (eg, scratch his left hand little finger, right scapula), and consciously see to it, what we do, that remains to this motion, we note that:
- First, there is a desire (or a team) to implement this motion,
- Followed by a visual representation of the movement,
- And then the mere physical movement.
You can try and verify independently.

As you can see, the essence of the mechanism ideodinamiki that motor motion picture runs (as the body understands that, and how to do). In most cases this happens automatically and unconsciously.
So, just as with motor movements, only much faster mechanism ideodinamiki started thinking, emotions and all other processes of the human body.

And now I'll open the most important secret of hypnosis:)
Office of body consciousness and gipnotiziruemogo based on this mechanism ideodinamiki: hypnotist gives human consciousness shaped information (installation, command or instruction), and consciousness of human behavior responds to it (thought, emotion or action sequence). And everything else in hypnosis, this tricks to bypass the conscious mind, critical of the fact that it (or it) is happening.

And if you followed the above exercises and to understand the mechanism ideodinamiki through their own experience, believe that you understand what hypnosis. At least, it is based.

Eriksonovsky hypnosis.

He Eriksoniansky hypnosis. Name this had come to him on behalf of its creator, the great gipnoterapevta, Milton Eriksson. Eriksonovsky hypnosis is different from the classical to the fact that it is not prescriptive. It instead gipnotiziruemogo subordination and direct commands using the accession to the reality gipnotiziruemogo, and the team lined up in the form of suggestions of a "possible" or "choice." For example, if a classical hypnotist would say: "to the three you're logged in trans, then deliver the eriksonianets:" you can enter into trance, whenever you want: to be two, three, or in the account right now ... "

Eriksonovsky hypnosis offers a number of voice devices (Milton-model, 5-4-3-2-1), strategies and techniques of indirect suggestion nonverbal effects (the voice, the gap pattern, etc.) to quickly enter the person in trance, so that he had not noticed. Or, conversely, to hold no suggestion trance, and, if necessary, to call him later amnesia.

The basic principle eriksonovskogo hypnosis is that you need to work directly with the unconscious, because all the major changes taking place there. Therefore, when working methods eriksonovskogo hypnosis the term "negipnabelnosti" absurd by definition - gipnabelnye all who have a conscience.
So, it is worth noting that hypnosis eriksonovsky includes also the most Classical hypnosis techniques, but uses them only when they are appropriate and effective.

Gypsy hypnosis.

The fact that Roma women do, in fact - eriksonovsky hypnosis. Navryadli, of course, they learned from the great PC:) But their methods are based on the same mechanisms of the psyche and are fully compatible with the techniques of hypnosis eriksonovskogo: zabaltyvanie, overload, distraction, trance guidance, indirect and composite suggestion, call a pleasant state, amnesia.

Conversational hypnosis.

The most interesting part of eriksonovskom hypnosis is that trance is not required. Many things can be done without it. These strategies eriksonovskogo hypnosis is often referred to as "conversational hypnosis", sometimes referred to as conversational hypnosis and the hypnosis eriksonovsky used in an informal context (different from the therapy).
Well, really, why in the negotiations immerse people in the trance, if it can be quite naturally in the course of the conversation to build a sentence on the basis of indirect suggestion, and labeled commands to the unconscious. In many such situations can be dispensed without a trance, and most of them it will only faster and easier. Personally, I have to make trans rarely, but the use of indirect suggestion, and other conversational hypnosis techniques eriksonovskogo in business communication and in personal life happens every day. How else, I tell you about the details.