Sunday, June 7, 2009

What is our "reality"? Or how the high-level manipulation.

What is our "reality"? Or how the high-level manipulation.
The Prince and the magician.

I lived once in the light of the Prince, who believed in all but three things that he did not believe. He did not believe in princesses, he did not believe in the island, and he did not believe in God. The father of Prince, the King said to him that such a thing in the world does not exist. Thus, in the possession of his father there were no princesses or islands, and no evidence of God and the prince believed his father.

But once the Prince fled from the palace and was in another country. And in this country to any place he could see the coast of the island, but on these islands, strange, causing disturbances in blood substance called that he did not have the spirit. While he was busy searching for the boat, it came to people in evening dress.
- This is a real island? - Asked the young prince.
- Of course, this is the island - people responded to him in evening dress.
- And these strange substance of concern?
- This is a very real, very real princess.
- Then God also must exist! - Exclaimed the Prince.
- I am God, - he said people in evening dresses and bows.

The young prince struggles hurried to their homes.
- So, you came back - welcomed the king's father.
- And I saw the island, saw the Princess and I have seen God - the Prince said to him with reproach.

The king replied adamantly:
- Actually, there are no islands, no princesses, no God.
- But I saw them!
- Tell me what God was dressed?
- He was in evening dress.
- Have you roll the sleeves of his jacket?
Prince remembered that the sleeves were roll. The King smiled.
- This is normal wear mage, you cheated.

Then the prince returned to another country, he went to the same shore, and again met the man in evening dress.
- King, my father told me who you are, - the Prince said he indignantly. - The last time you deceived me, but this time it does not take place. Now I know that it is unreal islands and the unreal princesses, because you can - only magician.

The man on the shore smiled in reply:
- You deceived, my boy. In the kingdom of thy father's many islands and princesses. But his father subdued you charam, and you can not see them.

In meditation, Prince returned to his home. Having seen his father, he looked him straight in the eye.
- Father, the truth that you are not a real king, but only a magician?
- Yes my son, I only magician.
- So, people on shore was God?
- The man on the shore - the other magician.
- I must know the truth, a truth that lies beyond the magic!
- For magic, there is no truth, - said the King.

The Prince was very sad. He said "I will kill himself." With the help of magic, King caused the death. Death has become the door and whistle to their characters, Prince.
Prince shuddered. He remembered the beautiful but unreal Princess and the unreal but beautiful islands.
- What to do - he said. I will be able to withstand it.
- Here, my son - said the king, - these and you start to become a magician.

John Faulz

Juggling can be divided into "low-level and high-level". (This concept is described in detail in the article Logic levels of psychological effects.)
So, a low-level manipulation, this is what we mean by saying "make do". Low-level it is because the logic is implemented at the lower levels. Any gypsy tricks when people realize that they have been manipulated, but can not resist, but just banal insistence and blackmail, are here. As a general rule, if this manipulation, the man knows what it wants, but do not want it himself.

As a result, the same high-level manipulation, the person doing the right thing for you svobstvennoy initiative. He may want this, take that, so you need to, or in a manner to achieve its goals, it is not important. It is important that if you try to stop him, he will tell you, it's not worth it to interfere with, and continue their work. Because he has a reason or purpose to do so, and he in them BELIEVE.

The nature of high-level manipulation is to create for the rights of reality "in which he believes. And it does not have to be completely different reality. Just create a few key details that will determine the rest of "reality." How is it possible? Now tell.

By virtue of the fact that a person has no eyes on the back of his head, he applies the following rule: a person sees it, as it looks. That is, he chooses that he was seen by turning the head, or as something else:). And while, as the research person, viewing the world, gets only 20% of the information from the outside, and 80% dostraivaet from memory.
The question arises. What defines it, where people watching, and what information he dostraivaet missing 80%? It is (or rather, we) have to be some guiding criteria and filters for attention?

They are. It is our unconscious purpose, values and beliefs. Unconscious goal, bish, our desires and interests, direct our attention to daily traffic. Especially notable work of this mechanism in supermarkets and shopping centers, and extremely fun to watch as people struggle going on between the conscious and unconscious goals. The outcome is different.
Conscious purpose because there are beliefs, because we know what is right and what is not correct, and how to act, but as you can not.

Beliefs similarly direct our attention, as with the interests and desires, only through a conscious way. And they also help dostraivat 80% of the picture of the world. Belief in something, it is knowledge that "this is so, and quite logically dostraivat that, you know, not to invent.
If we believe that our colleague podsebyatnik we know that all his behavior is podsebyatnichestvo and, consequently, see it in his every action. Naturally, everyone is doing something for yourself, but if you notice the only person in the above-mentioned actions, the belief that he podsebyatnik very fast approval.
And this happens with all convictions.

Values are our "beacons" in their lives. What we attach the greatest importance. Except for small values, like the favorite gifts, they tend to be common among people of one culture. Life, love, recognition, material wealth and happiness tend to appreciate everything, but to varying degrees. And the difference in the hierarchy of values among people creates a sense of the difference in their values as a whole (the effect dostraivaniya), and as a consequence, in the perception of people. Therefore, often people are not such as we think.

So, returning to the high-level manipulation. To create a man for a "reality" that we need, it is enough to change the filters of attention that he just started to watch and notice the other things in their environment, and dostraivat "reality" on the basis of other beliefs. And all you need to do is "move" him new interests and desires, based on his values, and built him a few convictions. But in most cases, to obtain the desired result, it is enough to do just to change some of his beliefs. Everything that you can learn.